Who's the trap for?

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Must you go my fair prince?

It depends why you want me to stay.

Your cold breath makes me shiver.

But that isn't the reason I want you to stay.

Then what is it that I seek?

And if you get cold, here

is my jacket to keep you warm.

Someone like you is

hard to come by.

Like wise my dear,

now my answer.

The answer you seek

is something that cannot be held

back by gender, race, or nationality.

It is the reason why I am falling.

I see the tables have turned,

you are the one speaking in riddles

my dear Jana. It is a pity that I am no

good at them.

Well that is quiet ironic.

And with that said,

what do you get when

you stick a knife into something

that can't bleed?

I shall answer depending on

why you are asking the question.

This is not fair you know?

Wasn't it you who said

"Life is not fair" in the

car, when I couldn't figure out a riddle?


Then why is not fair

that I am doing what you have done to me

a number of times? On top of that

give my answer to the first question I prepose.

Aren't we getting demanding now.

However, as we are face to face, and I leaning over you

I can tell that you are going to lose at this game.

But to answer your first question.

I have to think.

To your second question.

You are simply a tease.

I tease I may be, but the

cat has your tounge. Shall I say

what you are looking for?

The cat has got my tongue indeed.

The answer please.

A knife that has no blood on it.

Your laughter is very sweet.

My laughter may be sweet but your voice is music

to my ears.

You're more than I-

Our foreheads touch,

and no sounds are within this house

but we are not alone.

The one we have been waiting for is here.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2013 ⏰

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