chapter seven : I C Trouble

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Arabic went by quickly and in no time we were heading to I.C.T, not my favorite class considering we do nothing, but it's decent. I walk with Hajer who is talking to the book nerd about the sudden confession from Talal.

I'm really proud of myself.

"I still can't believe Talal did that!" Hajer exclaimed, walking into the computer lab.

"Me neither, ma bois finally together!" the book nerd replied, clapping her hands together excitedly.

"Hey, I didn't catch your name..." I ask the book nerd. Hey, I want to learn peoples names.

"I didn't throw it" she smirked, then went back to conversing with Hajer. She looks intimidating, should I insult her in my head or just leave her be?

I'll leave her alone, she looks rather scary.

"Can you tell me your name, at least?" I mumble, sitting next to her and starting up my computer. I watch Laith walk in and cast a glance in my direction, before sighing and sitting next to Talal. Talal then stands up and switches his spot to one next to Hilal. Laith then asks Hilal something and they switch seats, Hajer then stands up and goes over to Hilal and Hilal walks over to me as Hajer sits on Hilal's seat. Musical chairs?

"Are you listening?" the book nerd cooed, waving her hands at me. I snap out of my daydream and face her.

"I said, my name's Olivia" she repeated. "I know you're looking at the new couple, mah bois are too cute!"

"So you're the smart one?" I say, this is the one I compared myself with to Hajer, wonder what she's like.

"I don't like studying and I just mysteriously get good grades, plus I am not a nerd, it's not my fault I am intellectually superior." she scoffed, opening a website on her computer. I caught a glimpse of a dog like creature until the screen turned blue and had the text 'PLEASE FACE THE TEACHER' on the screen in white text.

"Okay class, we will create a duck shooting game so open Scratch and using the instructions provided, start." the teacher announced. I never understood this teacher, she never gave us any real work, just small activities that I could never finish by the end of the lesson. She started talking about how to make the game and some steps to follow.

"So kitten" I heard Hilal say, as the screen turned back to normal.

"Yeah?" I replied, as I start up the program to make this game.

"You like games?" he questions me, opening his application as well.

"I don't really play games that much." I answer, shrugging, deciding on my characters in the game.

"Really, like nothing?" he pressed, messing around with the functions and buttons.

"Nothing, don't really do anything at all really, I just study and read." I mumble, finding the necessary functions and reading the instructions. He then turns to me and puts his chin on his hand, I could feel his gaze burning into my head but I ignored it.

"Take a picture, it will last longer!" I scoffed, as he snapped out of his gaze. He then looked away and continued with his work. Well I think he did, I wasn't paying attention. I continued until I saw a flash of light in my direction. I turned to see Hilal with a phone taking a picture of me.

"What the hell?" I blurt out, he let out a small laugh and continued to snap more pictures of me.

"You said I could take a picture of you, kitten." he smirked, I let out a sigh. I swear first the stupid nickname and now this, I wish I brought a bat, I could just hit his head, hard.

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