chapter eighteen : right and wrong moves

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It has been a week since the invitation to the paintball event, most people in my class was invited, including me, Hajer said she is bringing someone over to my house to pick out an outfit for me, she said her reason is because she has so style and I only wear different colored hoodies, sometimes oversized, they are comfortable and nice to wear, it started to get slightly colder than usual but that's fine by me, not as cold as Canada, the opposite actually

Right now the teacher is sick or something so we have a free lesson and I am at my desk reading a book, more like spying on Talaith but that information is not important, they usually have two moods, very clingy or not even looking at each other, some people are oblivious to the fact they are dating and others ship them unknowingly

Hajer is of with a group of people talking, more specifically Rahmas group and I do not want to mess with her so Hajer left me alone, I ask her any way to leave me alone and she obligated

I soon see a human inviting themselves on a seat next to me, I ignore them and continue 'reading my book' until that person speaks up

"Hey kitten, I don't want t sound rude but your umm" Hilal said as I face him, I am slightly annoyed but then realize who is talking to me

"Umm what's wrong" I laugh awkwardly

"That book is upside down" Hilal said pointing at my book, I look at it and my face grows hot, I spin it around and avoided his gaze

"Umm I am learning to read upside down umm yeah" I spit out in panic, did I really say that, I am so stupid, I was way more confident what happened to my confidence

"Yeah right" he said and we staid in silence for a while, I'm not sure if it was comfortable silenced or awkward but it was still there

I look at him wanting to say something but he des the same thing and we go back to silence, I try to do the same thing again but he does the same thing again and I just say what I wanted but he cut me off again so I just stayed in silence as Hilal said something

"You coming to the paintball event" Hilal asked looking away from me, not sure where he was looking but I saw Hajer throwing us a thumb up, obvious much

"Yeah, I just don't have a ride, think ill go with Hajer" I said covering my hair with my hoodie for no reason in particular, just because I can, my hair looks half decent today, its in a ponytail but it is still everywhere

"Well I could give you a ride if you..." Hilal said his voice fading out to the point I couldn't hear him, I would love to but being in the same area where you breathe oxygen in kills me, no need to make it smaller

"Well, umm ill see, you know" I say to him smiling slightly as I see him breathing in heavily and look away, weird

"Well nice talking bye" Hilal rushed as he stood up and walked to his friends and covered his face on the table, well that hurt my feelings like a sucker, I g back t spying on Talaith but my mind keeps moving to Hilal, I cant stop thinking about him and its annoying and really nice at the same time

Complicated I know

Hajer said her cousins feel the same way with her k-pop stuff which is weird and probably unhealthy but I won't judge

I decide my mind wont get off of this guy so I decide to read the book, not a good idea, I end up imagining the two characters as me and Hilal which ends with my face heating up and quitting with life


I ask the substitute to g to the bathroom to calm myself and he gives me a pass, Hajer notices me leave and asks to go with me, which the teacher lets her go, once we reach the bathroom, Hajer checks if the bathroom is empty before storming me with questions

"What did he say, did he hurt you, what did he ask you, what did you reply, why did he leave so abruptly, oh my god you are so cute, young love is so cute, wish I could love, any way what did he say" Hajer says in one breath before breathing in again

"He asked me if I wanted a ride with him" I whisper, almost unaudible but Hajer has some super hearing shit when is comes to fan girling other wise she is half deaf

"Oh my god that's so cute, you have to say yes what did you say, what did he say, he totally, likes you, SO CUTE" Hajer huffed out jumping like a lunatic, sometimes I wonder why I am friends with her

"I said ill see then he breathed in heavily and rushed away" I said pretty sad he left, but that didn't stop Hajer from going monkey style on me with her picking me up as her boobs crushed my face, she spun around as I suffocated then she put me down

"Oh my god he so likes you, trust me, I read this before" Hajer said putting me down as I used the sink t hold me up from falling after her huge bear hug, my advice, NEVER EVER HUG HAJER

Unless you have a death wish then go right ahead

"Look miss fan girl, he doesn't like me because this scenario only happens in books, not real life

"BUT ITS STIL A POSIBILITY, my baby is growing up so fast" hajer fake cryed wiping a fake tear off her eye, I roll my eyes and we both exit the bathroom and head to class

Class ended and I got a grab on my hand, I look behind (and above) me and see it's the same girl from before, she is the one who warned me about hilal, I should have listened to her

"Look I like you, and your cool, so I am going to repeat myself, stay away from Hilal, you are in huge trouble, stay safe, I promise you that you wont regret it" said before blending in with the crowd and going back to her little group

I don't know whether to follow her or not

The last lessons pass by fast and my now it's the end of the day, hajer has some type of after school science thing so I had to go home by myself, I walk out the doors and to the gate, I am so ready to go home and read a good book with a cup of hot coco, why does that sound so nerdy, I didn't realize how much of a nerd I am, well I knew before but that one thought proved m thoughts even more

I parents are coming next week for a while until they go back to Canada for work, wish they could stay longer, I really miss them and want t see them again, they tried to be there for me but it feels like they never were, I huff out a breath, as soon as I did I was grabbed by the hoodie

What did I do, all I did was breathe damn

I was then carried and brought somewhere, my eyes were closed and so were my mouth, no point screaming anyway, I stay in someone's arms until I was dropped down onto a concrete wall, I grown in pain and look up to see who decide to shove me on a wall

I didn't get a good look since my eyes were blurry but the person pulled me up from my collar and I closed my eyes and faced the other way, I then herd a voice and knew exactly who it was

"This little punk thinks she is so smart" she snarled at me, I opened my eyes and meat Rahmas fiery ones

I am so dead 

(A/N) Warning next chapter will be short but it will involve blood and stuff so if you are uncomfortable don't reading

Unless you don't care for this stuff like me then read as you please 

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