Adventure 1: the cutie cat

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One day, like any normal day, Anya and Neha were walking to school. They were walking and talking when suddenly, Neha saw a cat in front of them and stopped.

Only a few months before, Neha had been waiting outside Anya's house, waiting for her to come out, when an orange, Garfield-like cat had approached her. Neha tried to move away from the scary feline, but it just kept getting closer. The cat refused to leave Neha alone, and just as Neha was about to scream for help, Anya the gallant Southern gentleman came to her rescue and shooed the cat away then laughed at Neha for being so afraid of the cat.


Neha had a flashback just seeing this brown tabby. But the cat was purring, and Anya bent down to pet it. Neha then had an amazing change of heart and decided that all cats aren't bad!!! They both were petting the cat, but then realized that they had to go to school. They left.


Hi so that was neha writing that was that an ok start?

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