Adventure 2: The Sprinkler of Wetness

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On a hot day, everybody loves running through the sprinklers. But on a cold morning, not so much.

As Anya and Neha walked up the hill, they talked about random things and laughed at each other's weirdness. As they reached the top of the hill, they stopped short. Right in front of them was a giant sprinkler that was spraying water everywhere. They sat there contemplating on how to cross this gigantic sprinkler.

"We could take a chance and run through it on the count of three!" suggested Neha.

"But then our backpacks and all of our stuff would get wet!" Anya exclaimed.

Suddenly, Neha's face lit up and a bright lightbulb lit up above her head.

"I have a brilliant idea!!!" she exclaimed. "Anya: you can take off your backpack and run through the sprinklers. After you are safely on the other side, I will throw you our backpacks, then run through the sprinklers while screaming at the top of my lungs. Capiche?"

"Wow!!! That's a brilliant idea!!!! Neha you are a true genius!!!!" Anya cried out.

"I know right?" Said Neha.

"And so modest..." Anya laughed, "by the way, I was kidding." She grinned as Neha stuck her tongue out at her.

"Anya. You ready?" Neha asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be!!" Anya replied.

"Ok...1, 2, 3, RUN!!!!" Anya sprinted at top speed through the sprinklers. When she made it across, she was only slightly wet.

"Toss my backpack over!" she yelled across to Neha.

"Tossing!!!" Neha yelled.

The backpack flew over the sprinklers in a perfect arch, then landed neatly into Anya's waiting arms.

"Yess!!!! Victory!!!" Neha and Anya shouted at the same time.

"Now for your backpack, Neha!!" Anya yelled.

"Go backpack!!! You can make it!!! FLY!!!! FLY!!!! FLY!!!!" Neha yelled at her backpack. (As you can probably tell, Neha is a little bit mental...)

Neha tossed the backpack up into the air, and it looked like a perfect arch, until the wind blew it off course.

SPLAT!!!! Went the backpack of Neha, straight into the sprinklers of wetness.

"Whoops." Anya chuckled.

"AAAAAHHHH I'M SO SORRY BACKPACK!!!!!! ARE YOU OK???" Neha screamed at her backpack.

When Neha finally got ahold of herself, Anya picked up both backpacks, handed Neha her now soaking backpack, and they continued on the walk. They were talking about some random something or another when they came across another sprinkler.

Neha was about to suggest another brilliant idea when a thought suddenly dawned on her.

"ANYA!!! We could have just walked around the sprinklers!!!" she exclaimed in awe.

"Yes Neha. Did you not realize that? I decided to go along with your amazing idea because it seemed funny😂😂." Anya laughed.

"Oh. Wow." Neha said to herself.


So this was neha writing about this amazing experience what do you think?

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