Chapter 5 ♡ Swaying Heart ♡

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        Ha Yeon woke up earlier than usual. She got out of her room. The door of Sang Jin's room was closed. She went downstairs and filled the glass of water in kitchen. After drinking, she went out to the lawn to walk as she had quite a time to get ready for work. The servant was watering the plants. Ha Yeon suddenly saw some kittens in the lawn playing with each other. She loved cats and kept them as pet since she was a child. She became excited and went where kittens were playing. She started patting the kittens.

''Excuse me, Mister. Can I feed these kittens milk from the kitchen?'' She asked the servant who was watering the plants.

''Wait mam, I will get it for you from the kitchen.'' He replied.

Ha Yeon thanked him and continued patting the kittens. She started laughing as one kitten rolled down on the ground.

They drank the milk, their mother also came to drink the milk. Ha Yeon didn't realize for how long she stayed there playing and laughing with the kittens. She suddenly felt that she was being watched. She looked up. Sang Jin was standing at the window in front of the lawn staring at her. His hair were wet from shower.

As soon as Ha Yeon saw Sang Jin, he got embarrassed and looked away

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As soon as Ha Yeon saw Sang Jin, he got embarrassed and looked away.

''Gosh, that was embarrassing. What was I thinking?" thought Sang Jin as he turned around.
Ha Yeon entered the lounge and She saw Sang Jin in the kitchen. It looked like he was cooking something. She went inside the kitchen.

Sang Jin turned around and saw Ha Yeon.

''I always prepare breakfast by myself.'' He answered as he beated the eggs.

''Do you need a hand?'' Ha Yeon offered him help.

''No thanks. You can sit, it will take some minutes.'' replied Sang Jin.

Ha Yeon frowned and saw peeled onions on a cutting board.

''Hmm, he is cooking an omelette.'' thought Ha Yeon. She held a knife and started chopping it. She asked if there is any other thing to cut like tomatoes and chillies.

Sang Jin gave tomatoes, chillies and spices to her. She beated the eggs after putting ingredients into it.

''I will do the rest.'' said Sang Jin taking the bowl of eggs from Ha Yeon. Ha Yeon shrugged and sat on the dining table. She could see Sang Jin's back. His shoulders were broad. He was wearing off white t-shirt with shorts.

''He is quite handsome.'' Ha Yeon thought. ''Goodness, what am I thinking.'' She scolded herself on her thought.

After 5 minutes, Sang Jin put her plate in front of her and sat on the chair next to her.

Ha Yeon took a bite. It was really spicy. She must had put more red chilli than what was needed for the omelette. She started coughing. Sang Jin gave her a glass of water. It was really embarrassing for her.

''I'm sorry, I think I put too much spices into it.'' said Ha Yeon appologetically.

Sang Jin didn't reply and kept on eating.

''He could've said 'its okay.'' Ha Yeon thought.

She was forcing herself to eat. She hardly ate a slice and drank her tea. After eating, she put her dishes in the sink and started washing them.

''You can go to get ready for work. Mr. Jung will wash them. '' said Sang Jin as he saw her washing them. He was referring to the servant.

"No problem.'' She kept washing.

''So stubborn.'' muttered Sang Jin.

After washing dishes, Ha Yeon went upstairs and got ready. Then she came down with her purse. Sang Jin was standing at the door. He was wearing a suit.

''I will drop you off.'' He said and went out. Ha Yeon followed him to the car.

''I forgot to tell you, we'll go today to my parent's home to introduce you. I told them and they are really excited.'' said Sang Jin as he wore his sunglasses and started driving.

''I see.'' replied Ha Yeon. She became nervous at the thought of meeting his parents as his fake wife.

After 20 minutes of driving in silence, they reached the school where Ha Yeon was currently teaching. She said thanks and good bye as she got out of the car.

''Look, Miss Park is here. Three kids came running to Ha Yeon as she entered the school and hugged her. She smiled and went inside with them. Sang Jin turned his car to head to work.

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Ha Yeon went to staff room after taking all classes. She started thinking about the family meeting.

''Ms. Park, Who did you come with today in the morning.'' asked Ms. Yoon who was a maths teacher.

Ha Yeon got confused.

''You don't have to be shy about it. laughed Ms. Yoon. ''He must be your boy friend, right?''

Ha Yeon forced a smile.

''Yes, he is my fiance.'' Said Ha Yeon.

''He has dashing personality.'' Ms. Yoon commented.

''Really, show me the picture Ha Yeon.'' Ms. Kim who was history teacher took part in the conversation.

''Uh, I don't have picture right now, I will show you another time.'' She said and got up hurriedly afraid that they will come to know about their fake marriage. Her phone started ringing. It was Hye Jin.

''Hello Hye Jin, how are you?'' She asked happily as she answered the call.

''I'm fine. You tell about yourself. I'm coming to pick you up from your school. You are free, right? asked Hye Jin talking non-stop.

''Okay, I'm waiting.'' laughed Ha Yeon and hung up the call.

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