Chapter 10

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                             need mental help." I heard Ver say.

"B-but, I'm not m-mental. Am I?" I asked.

She pursed her lips and closed her eyes.

"You just need help, Ross," she whispered, "Just a little bit of help."

"Are you gonna help me? I'm sorry for everything. Everything, Ver." he begged, going on his two knees on the floor.

"Okay. I'll help." I smiled.

He hugged my legs. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"No problem, Rossy." I giggled.

He stood up and put his two gentle, warm hands on my belly.

My belly was pretty big to be six months. It was round and big. Ross's two hands roamed around my overlarged stomach smiling everytime our eyes met.

"Should I call the phsycologist?" I asked.

"Anything to change myself to protect you and Shor." he said, smiling weakly.

I picked up the phone and punched in the numbers quickly.

D- Doctor     M- Me

M- Hello?

D- Hello Veronica! How may I help you?

M- I need your help. Ross needs help.

D- But what does he need?

M- He's been getting angered easily.

D- So it's emotional help?

M- Also mental...

D- Okay. Let's start with tomorrow at 4pm?

M- Sure. Thanks Doctor.

D- No problem, Veronica. See you tomorrow with Ross!

M- See you tomorrow, Doc.

I smiled at Ross as he smiled weakly at me...

Falling For It, Possibly You ➳ Ross Lynch (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin