Chapter 11/Part 1

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Waking up on my birthday this year is different. I'm not completely dreading the day like I normally do. I only ever have to see mum and Amelia yet they both insist on cake, presents, singing Happy Birthday. I wouldn't say that I'm excited for it this year, but I'm willing to go along with it. I guess I just never really wanted birthday parties or anything and all I ever wanted was books of which the library had an abundance of for free. I make my way downstairs and I can swear I hear the sound of something frying, though there's not really a distinct smell.

'What're you making?' I ask mum, nervously. We live off takeaways and ready meals and even the occasional oven chips and chicken nuggets. I couldn't tell you the last time she actually made something.

'PANCAKES!' it's 9am. Way too early for this volume yet I don't find myself groaning and asking her to keep it down.

'Wait... Pancakes! Please tell me there's -' I needn't have asked.

'Bacon and maple syrup. You and your weird fascination of sweet and savoury.' Mum doesn't believe me that it's good - really good and I know she's just going to have Nutella or butter on hers but I can't help but scoff at her disbelief.

'Oh come on... try it! For me?' I ask, as sweet as can be.

'For you? Why would I do that - do you think it's your birthday or something?' I know she's joking and after a pause we both start giggling like kids. We take it in turns to flip the pan and surprisingly we don't drop any on the floor - nearly, but I catch mum's before it gets there and instantly scoff it down.

'Hey! One less on the plate for you, then!' mum laughs, but I know she'll let me off. After all, it is my birthday. I set up the plates and forks whilst mum fixes up the bacon and serves it to us both. We don't get sit down meals together that often since she works so much and it's a welcome change. It's nice to just sit and chat and talk about things.

'So, how did things go with your dad yesterday?' she asks in between mouthfuls. I'm really not sure how to answer, after all, I'm not sure she knows he's moving back here.

'Um, good.' I mumble, my mouth full of the fluffy pancake and crispy bacon. I keep my eyes on my plate and take my time to chew, pretending I know what I'm going to say and that it's just the fact that I'm eating stopping me rather than a delay tactic.

'El, I know he's not going back.' She says, stretching her hand across the table and placing it on my arm. I give her a half smile.

'Are you ok with that?' I ask her. We've briefly spoken about dad before but never really in much detail and in all honesty I haven't a clue how she's taking it all. I don't even know if their relationship was good before dad left or if it's just the time apart that has led to divorce. Mum gives me a look of pity.

'Oh, El. Look, it's your birthday. Let's not talk about it just now, OK. But, since I know what you're like, I promise you I am ok - I'm happy. And I hope you are too.' I don't care if we discuss dad on my birthday or not but this day means more to mum than me and I don't want to ruin it for her so I drop the subject. I finish up my plate whilst mum starts to load the dishwasher and I go grab a towel from the basket we keep them in, planning to have a quick shower.

'Oh, and another thing!' mum adds, shouting through to me from the other room. 'I may have invited some people round to celebrate... Just a couple!' I make to groan, a habitual response when I catch myself. I actually don't mind. In fact, I'm pretty pleased to know we have some sort of plans for the day. I imagine she'll have invited Amelia and probably some of her work friends. Gran and Grandad are due a visit soon so maybe they've came up for the occasion.

'Okay!' I chirp and head off upstairs, rushing through the shower and spending the time I would normally lay on the bed in my towel rummaging about for clothes other than leggings and hoodies. Eventually I settle on jeggings - because I still want to be comfortable but these at least look fancier - and a lightweight, long sleeve jumper that is also super comfy but looks pretty classy when paired with a necklace. It's barely half 10 by the time I get myself ready but there's a knock at the door and mum shouts up to me, asking me to come downstairs. It's a Sunday, so I know it isn't the post and even though she said she'd invited people, I'm still surprised to find mum surrounded by my friends - Alex, Amelia, Bet. They're all here. Even Alex's mum has came whilst Tom has a therapy session.

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' they attempt to say in unison, though Alex holds the note longer than anyone else, and Bet wishes me a merry christmas which gets a laugh from us all - including her.

'Oh, no, I'm muddled again!' she points out. The living room is covered in balloons and banners and the coffee table is covered in presents - not that it's hard to cover, since it's barely 3 feet long.

'You guys! You didn't have to do all this!' I say, holding my hands out, gesturing to the room.

'Oh it's just some little things!' Mum says, handing one to me. I go through them all - there's candles and notebooks, sweets, fluffy socks and gift cards from everyone. Lovely little things that I can't wait to use. I don't say it but I'm aware that none of the gifts have been from mum. As mum's often do, she seems to read my mind.

'My gift is on its way - I believe it should be here shortly.' She says, suspiciously. It's Sunday so the mail can't be bringing it and there's no way mum would pay extra for Sunday delivery - she'd have had this organised for weeks. I gather up the paper and chuck it in the bin and as if on cue there's a toot of a horn. We live on a fairly quiet street, so there's never any need to beep at someone, so whenever we hear one we always go to the window and check to see who it is, even if we aren't expecting someone.

'Elissa! I think it's for you, you better go out!' I haven't a clue what she's on about but I slip on a pair of trainers I left in the utility room and head towards the front door. Walking past everyone in the living room is strange, they've all settled down though they all seem very excited. I can't fathom what is happening when I open the door. There's dad. He's standing next to a car - a little Fiat 500. The driver's door is open and he's holding something up in his hand - a key.

'I hope you didn't lose that keyring already!' He beams. Oh. My. God. I turn back to the house, looking for my mum. She grins at me.

'I told you it was on its way! GO!' she ushers me out.

'What?' I laugh, I don't believe this. A car. An actual car. I climb into the front seat, not a clue what the controls do or if I'm supposed to be this close to the wheel or anything.

'Like it?' Dad asks. I can't answer - I'm too in awe. I look up at him and also behind him, towards mum at the door.

'It's from both of us. And we've also bought you some driving lessons.' At this, Alex's dad comes out of the house. Of course! Mr Reynolds owns his own driving school - that's how Alex passed so quickly since he'd been learning since he was old enough to touch the pedals!

'Well, Elissa!' He beams. 'Are you ready for your first lesson?' I don't have much choice as he's already buckled up in the passenger seat.

'Enjoy.' Dad says as he shuts my door. I can hear him muffled through the glass addressing everyone.

'Get inside, nosies! I don't think any of us wanted an audience on our first lesson!' Mr Reynolds tells me how to set up my seat and mirrors and make sure I'm comfortable before we set off. I'm anxious that it's not a dual control, that he can't stop me if I make a mistake but he assures me we're fine and anyway, in the absolute worst case scenario I'm barely breaking 5mph so the worst I'll do is stall. It's not really a lesson, Mr Reynolds just wanted to let me go around the block and then in a few days we can practice going the speed limit in his dual control car and then dad can take me out in my own little car to build confidence. I get us around the block and back into the street in one piece though I give the key back to dad so he can park it. I feel exhilarated - I can't go anywhere on my own yet but already I feel independent. I can drive to school, I can go wherever I want without relying on anyone else. I feel incredible. I've spent so much of my life in this house and now I have the freedom to see wherever I want. I can't wait. I run back inside and hug the first person I see - Amelia. I'm just amazed. This year started out horribly but now I feel like things are getting on track. I pull back from the hug and we lock eyes for a moment, my best friend and I. For once, I truly feel content and happy with my life and I can't wait to live it.

Things have been different the last week or so, particularly for Amelia and I. We spent the night at her house and had a proper catch-up, one we've somehow not had until now. We talk for hours about how things went with Alex and I, and 

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