Chapter 14

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I heard a lot of machines and little beeping. As I opened my eyes, I saw that nearly everything around me was white. There were tubes and wires all over me. I couldn't really remember where I was or how I got there. Then I saw three men standing at the door, talking to each other. My vision got a little better and I could make out that it was Sam and Dean, with Castiel. 

"Hey, we don't mean to be creepy. We just wanted to make sure that you're okay." Dean started to say. He was talking as if I was someone else. I looked down at my body. There was something that was off. I looked the same.

"What happened?" I asked them. I couldn't figure out what happened, but I had a feeling that they weren't going to be completely hoenst with me.

"You were in a car accident and there was a pole that went through your abdomen." Sam told me. He was tlaking like an official. I sighed and looked at the three of them. Castiel was the only one who looked at me like he knew me.

"Okay." I said softly. I couldn't figure out why they were acting like this to me. I thoguht that I was going to get some hugs or something.

"Okay, well we are going to get out of your hair. Just wanted to make sure that you were okay." Dean said. Then Sam and Castiel left the room first. 

"Dean, please don't leave me." I said quietly. He stopped and looked towards me. 

"Don't follow, Felicia." He said just loudly enough that I would hear him. I sighed and closed my eyes. And just like that, they were gone.

5 Weeks Later

After they left me in the hospital, I figured that I would try to find out how to get my own life. I worked at bar, as a bar tender for a week. It was nice and quiet. Just what they would have wanted for me.

Everything was fine and I was getting used to the life. I had two friends. They helped me with everything. To them, I was just a girl that had a rough life and that was really it.

It wasn't until the vampires came in, that things went to shit. They came in as customer, but remembered me. That night, they killed all of my friends that I had. They kept me alive, but warned me that I should go back to hell and prepare again.

After that, I knew that I had to find Sam and Dean. I walked all the way to the bunker. I knew the way by heart. It took a lot longer than I thought it would.

I waited on the front door for nearly a day. I knew that they were gone, since the Impala was gone. I really hoped that they would be back soon. I had enough beef jerky to get me through a couple of days, but I just wanted to see them.

As I laid next to the door, I heard the roar of the Impala. It was nearly dark. I sat up to see that Sam and Dean were arguing again. Castiel looked like he was tired of the both of them, as he walked to the door. I stood up and Castiel stopped.

"Sam, you know that we can't do that! She remembered me!" Dean preactically yelled at Sam. I smiled a little.

"You know, that wasn't the only thing that I remembered." I added to his defense. They both looked at me and I saw that there was a little bot of fear in their eyes. I walked away from the door and to them.

"Nice try on earasing my memories. I know how to defend myself against that little trick." I told them as I tapped the side of my head. Castiel smiled a little at that.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked me. I sighed and shook my head. Tears started to form in my eyes.

"I tried living like a normal person. My past caught up with me. I'm pretty okay. I just need family." I told the three of them. I did love each of them like they were my own brothers. Sam and Dean were, afterall.

"Then come here and give ma a hug." Sam told me as he dropped his bag. I smiled at him and gave him a huge hug. I could tell that he was smiling through the whole thing.

"Okay, my turn." Dean told us. Sam let go of me and I gave Dean a hug too. His was more protective than Sam's was.

"We should head inside." Sam told us. I smiled and let go of Dean. We went to the door and Castiel kept looking at me.

"You are a brave woman." He told me as Dean started to open the door. I smiled a little and looked at the angel.

"I don't think brave is the right word." I told him. He laughed a little and looked at Dean.

"Just promise me that you'll teach me some of the stuff you know how to do." Sam said as we walked in the bunker. I sighed and shook my head.

"I'll do my best, but I learned through pain." I warned them.

"Then we'll figure out a way to do it with out almost killing each other." Sam suggested. I laughed and set my stuff on the table.

"Then I think it will work." I told them. Dean went to the kitchen and turned on the lights.

He went to fix dinner for the three of us. Castiel followed him into the kitchen to watch. Sam pulled his laptop out of his bag and sat at the table. This was my family. And about damn time too.

Sorry that the ending was so fluffy and crappy. I just really liked this character. Thanks for reading this and I hope that you're able to find your family one day.

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