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Dear World,

The perspective of others will ruin you. It is the critical, and judging eyes of others that will make your skin crawl. Anxious, uneasy, and anxiety ridden because you aren't comfortable behind your unremovable face.

They look at me, and see a blind girl. Suddenly, I become helpless and unable to do anything on my own. I'm referred to as, 'She,' or disregarded all together. Simple tasks like raising a hand, walking in front of others, or getting a word out become so strenuous.

Anything I do feels invalid, and before I even realize it, I'm trapped. Paralyzed by trepidation, because I can't handle the judgement anymore, and unknowingly I've formed in to what those narrow minded people see.

But, I'm just like most of you.

I have a mind that infinitely day dreams, conjuring up the impossible. Excitement, it courses through me whenever someone talks about writing. I'm exuberant when they ask me questions about it, or the meaning of words. Don't get me started with words, I could look up definitions for hours.

I laugh at just about anything, and I'm a sucker for sappy moments, but still manage to cringe if it's too cliché. I'm the girl that has unyielding loyalty, and my ears are always willing to listen. A bit too goofy if you ask me, and when I care I care hard.

With a disability, you learn what it is to lose faith, and what it is to ignite it. Loyalty is tested, and soon enough I realized who my true friends were. And you want to know what was the best part?

I've gained the beautiful insight of real love. His outward appearance truly holds no restraint on our relationship. I fell for the way my name sounded from his lips. The intoxicating feel he elicits with in. We teach each other with our experiences, and I take in his impactful words.

For once in my life, I opened the door I continuously hid myself behind. No more watching from a glass, but stepping out and embracing who I am. He makes me want to be me, and for that, I love being me.


omg 1k reads! Lol it may not seem a lot compared to other stories on here, but I'm freaking out!

I thank all of you for reading, voting, and adding this to your reading lists. It means so much that you enjoy reading a bit of my life story, and I'm sooo happy I can impact readers with it.

A/N: 2/02/20. Hey idk if anyone is still reading this lol but I reposted a story I'm working on and would love it if u checked it out. Find it on my profile 💃😘

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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