Chapter 7; Im a what?! pt. 1

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Michael stormed into the guest room where they were staying, slamming the door behind us.

"Calm down Michael," she said, grabbing her shoulders. He turned to her with anger in his eyes.

"I can't believe  he's letting them stay," He was red. They both feel back on the bed, Lying on thier backs.

"I'm sure they won't bother us now, I hope," she rubbed his good arm.

"Besides, I feel safer with you around anyhow,"

"I know, but with them here, I can't let them get to you, I won't I would die first before they do,"

"Hehe, don't, you already died once, I don't want you leaving me again," he smiled. He snuggled close to her, and she put her hand around his shoulder, gentle not to injure his arm. He smiled at her, his grey eyes glittered in the lighting.

"What?" she laughed, playing with a curl in his hair.

"Just looking at how much you've grown since I've seen you last. It feels like only yesterday you were playing May West on the variety show. Now look at you, a full grown woman on your own, I'm proud of you,"

"Thanks," she combed through his hair with her fingers, pulling some down over his right eye. Theu giggled.

"You better get some sleep," he said. She yawned and went under the covers. Michael scooted up to the foot of the bed, and sat there, waiting and watching. He wouldn't let his guard down for a moment, until morning at least, he would stay up all night. His stomach growled loudly.

"I wish I should've eaten something, I'm starving," he got up, and sarred out the window, yawnning multiple times, which was strange. He felt tired, but night was there, he didn't know why, but he paid it any mind. He looked back at his sleeping sibling, and smirked.

"Hey," said a voice from outside the window, he turned his head back, seeing Aaliyah, sitting on the roof of the giant tower.

"What are you doing?"

"Admiring the moon, it's beautiful tonight," she smiled.

"Mind if I join you?"  he smiled back. She nodded and patted her hand on the spot next to her right.

"Do you always come up here?" he looked straight at the large, fully rounded, and pure white moon, with large and small grey patches all over it.

"Not all the time, only when I'm stressed, angry, or even happy, but mostly just to think about my life. Be fore and after becoming a vampire," she placed her chin on her knees. Michael sat with his legs crossed, picking at a weed that had grown on the roof top. His stomach growled again.

"Here,' she handed him a jar of thick red liquid.

"Did you?" he looked at it.

"No. I'm trying to make a vegan blood recipe that taste more like real blood, Where you can't really tell the difference," she handed him the glass. He looked at it, a little worried. He put the rim to his lips, and took a large sip. He smiled in delight.

"Well?" she said. He absolutely loved it! it really did taste like the real thing, only it wasn't. He drank the whole jar, staining his lips, tounge, and fangs.

"It's delicious! How'd you do it?" he smiled.

"Instead of just using the synthesized blood, I added salt, strawberries, and a little bit of soy sauce,"

"Well either way, it's better than what they have now. I don't think I could even tell the difference," he smiled

"You're a genius," he said. She bulshed, while he yawned.

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