Behind The Words.

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Dear world,

Hi! Remember me? Maybe not... Well that sucks! Because by the time I've changed the world, you've probably already forgotten me. You see, not everyone is born with the ability to easily socialize. I probably wouldn't be saying this at all if it was face to face. I doubt I ever will.

So this is why I'm writing this. I'm writing this because writers, more then anyone, are misunderstood. I notice that in everyday life I can't talk like I want to. I'm a ocean of ideas, thoughts, feelings, and dreams. Yet, I am forced to cram it all in a bottle. I could rant for hours, but with no listening ears there is no point. 

That's why I chose writing. My bottle is no longer my constriction. Now, all that is left to hold me back is my imagination. I can become the greatest hero who ever lived. I can let my problems leave my brain. Writing is my get away, and I can escape into my wildest dreams. I can share my ideas, and expand my knowledge until it's infinite.  

However there is one thing I can never escape. Hate. No matter where I go, what I write, or how wide I smile, I am always forced into a world that is filled with hate. If I slip up in this page, I'll know what hate feels like. I'll feel the criticism rain down on me, and tear me up inside. I'll be forced into the corner of shame for having ideas and opinions. 

So why do I chose it still? I am human, and I make mistakes. That doesn't have to ruin my passion. I will likely write until the day I die. I will love it because I know what it feels like to be stressed out of your mind. I'll love it because I know what its like to want to be in another world. I will certainly love it because no one can tell me I'm not good enough.

I am whatever I want to be. My words can carry me into a far off land. So maybe you hate me, maybe you're right. I might not be good enough. But, nothing is stopping me from becoming a better person. However, I will never change to become your perfect being. I will continue to spend more time alone then around you. I will continue to write until my brain fails to make more. Most of all, I will continue to love everyone.

I can't hate anyone. No one has done anything to me worth killing for. Everyone has made some mistakes, and some of which need to be atoned for. You all deserve to be happy, but no one has the right to make happiness by hurting others.

I am a writer. I'm just like you. I live on planet Earth. I am apart of the human race. I may look different, but we all depend on one another. 

Love, @NerdyBrain123

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