My Goal

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Hey again! It's that 15 year old nerd you probably won't remember. Sadly, I can't change that. You will either think of me, or you will never recognize me. Either way, good for you. Your life is whatever you make it, so I won't tell you what you do. However, I have a warning.

I'm not someone to take lightly. I'm not just a face in the crowd. I am certainly not your generic skinny white kid. Even if you don't believe me, I'm gonna prove you wrong. I always will. No matter what, I am my own human being, and I only answer to what I believe is right. Yes, I make mistakes. Yes, I will fail. That doesn't make me less then you. In fact, not many will actually read this all the way through. You might ignore me.

Soon though, my words will speak so loud, you don't have a choice. You're gonna hear me. You may not like what I have to say, but maybe you can read a story, and smile. You don't have to agree with me, but all I ever wanted to do, was make the world smile.

No one should be left out. Everyone needs a smile in their day. Even if I can only make them smile for a short time, all my work is worth it. If only 20% like the story, fine. I'll make another until it's up to 40%. Then 60%, and eventually it will be 100%. I will continue to improve until everyone approves. I won't stop until each pair of eyes that read my books, can put a smile on their face.

If you're smiling now, then good. I want to know. If not, then you are the voice I want to hear most. What keeps you down? What do you want to hear? What makes you happy? Sadly, I'm confined to my small community now. But, I long for a way to touch the world. I write with people from entirely different contries. I attract readers that I might never meet. If I could, I would meet each person, face to face and say thank you. Seeing one book grow means the world to me. Slowly, the number of readers grows from 100, to 200, and now "I Didn't Ask For This" has almost 500 reads.

I can't wait to see it grow, and I'm even more impatient to hear about every smile I created. A smile is without value, only for the fact that it is beyond money. Happiness can't have a price tag, because true happiness means the world to me. Creating that, even for one person is my life goal. Eventually, I want to reach the whole world.

This brings me to my final point. Where do you find happiness? How do you bring smiles into the world? How can I make your day brighter? That information, is the most important. So, I hope you will share.

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