Undertale (Fanfic)

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An AU set in the true pacifist timeline, Frisk has successfully be friended everyone and is about to face Asgore. Everything was going smoothly and how it's supposed to play out but when Flowey attacks, he goes straight at Frisk. Everyone tries to defend them but they die anyway. Flowey tries to steal Frisk's soul but Sans grabs it and accidentally absorbs it. Frustrated, Flowey attacks Sans and the others defend him and tell him to run. Now something is wrong and Frisk can't go back to their save file for they are now a 'ghost' that follows Sans around. It's up to Sans how this'll all play out in the end.

Notes: I was thinking of Undertale the other day and just thought if things went differently what would've happened and this happened... I don't even know anymore. My imagination is too wild sometimes XD

-Frisk is nether a boy nor a girl in this
-Frisk has done the true pacifist route time and time again but for some reason it always resets when they get to the surface
-Sans is aware of this fact and is just as frustrated as Frisk is
-both Sans and Frisk can see Chara
-Chara isn't 'evil', they never were

Status: Unused. No chapters written. Unknown if to be used.

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