Maxine's point of view

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"Right ok, so have you got the same questions?" his beautiful brown hair stayed still as he nodded. "Yep, ok so whats your favourite colour?" we both starred at each other then at the same time said "Blue." we both started laughing. "Haha seriously. Blue is your favourite colour haha." he said. His laugh was so adorable. "Yep haha, so, Whats your favourite pudding?" he stroked his chin as a joke. "It has to be brownies." I licked my lips. "Mmm haha they are nice but mine has to be ice cream, any flavour." he nodded. "I will keep that in mind. Ok so where would you rather go out to out of: The park or the funfair?" I leant back on my chair. "It has to be the funfair although I hate going upside down." he laughed. "Yeah same but I can go upside thats the best bit." he said. "Nooo, haha. Ok, what do you look for in personalities?" he put his hands through his hair. "They have to be funny, honest, trustworthy and loyal." I nodded and put the pen to my chin. "Mmm same really. And final question, Which movie would you rather watch out of: Frozen or Attack the block?" I smiled. "Has to be frozen." I dropped my chin. "Seriously, me too haha." I gave him a high five as we wrote down the answer to the final question.

His chin had a few freckles on it and, from an angle, he looked like Justin Bieber. "Sooo, what do you have now?" he asked while putting his pen back and getting his timetable. "I have art with Sazmi. What about you?" he opened it up the stood up and got his blue bag on. "I have Drama with Nash." I put my eyebrows up. "Who is Nash?" it sounded like a cool name. "Oh, its Adams brother, he is my best friend. We do vines together, you should check it out." I smiled "Oh haha, I will." the bell went. I put my purple just do it bag on and went to Art. "Oh, Max, can you take me to my next lesson, dont know where it is." I laughed, "Yeah sure." and off we went to the ground floor.

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