Mathew's point of view

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We ran through the town. It was 10am now and the streets were becoming more busy. "Just straight down." Nash kept running as fast as he could. We ran all the way to the field. The grass was freshly cut and there right in the middle was a small well. "Nash, maybe we should be quiter." he dived down the ladder. I waited. On the floor there was foot prints, not as big as mine a Nash's feet. I was about to shout Nash but he was to far in. I grabbed my phone and rung my phone. "Hey, I want to report a kidnap. Its Mathew Espinosa. Were just... on the field back of town. Yeah, can you get here as soon as, they might go thanks." they said they will be here in 10 minutes. I looked down the well. It stunk like wet dogs and moss grew on the walls. I looked up at the sky hoping Nash and the girls were ok. My blue shirt had a muddy stain on it from leaning on the well.

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