two • invisible

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When Jongin wakes up next morning, it takes him only few seconds to remember what happened the night before.

Sweet scent still lingering in his bedsheets and flashing images in his head bring him a flashback of best sex of his life.


He remembers his name and smiles. It wasn't a dream. Kyungsoo probably left soon after he had fallen asleep, but Jongin doesn't care.

Maybe the guy thinks of him as a one night stand and Jongin didn't really expect him to leave and sign of recognition, but he is ready to turn whole city upside down to find him.

He leaves his warm bed unwillingly and searches the kitchen and living room just in case. Still no card from the cute ravenhead.

Jongin doesn't even bother to look at his phone as he drags across the apartment to find a clean pair of track pants when his eyes accidentally land on the clock.

10.30 p.m.

At that moment not even Usain Bolt could match his speed. He rushes back to the bedroom and digs his phone out of the clothes Kyungsoo took off of him only few hours earlier.
Eleven missed calls.

Six from the coach and five from Baekhyun.

He hits the call button swiftly and taps his foot nervously, cursing.

"I guess you're just really lucky and unlucky at the same time." his coach's voice is calm, much unlike Jongin's expectations. He was already prepared to meet coach Byun's furious side he has seen only few times during his lifetime and three of those were for running late.


"Even if you came this morning it would've been a waste of time. We have a bigger problem so I didn't have time to get mad at you, anyways."

"What happened?"

"Something with the air conditioning systems at the rink went wrong and there's a whole chaos over there. We won't be able to use the rink for a while."

"What!?" Jongin hisses. "The Olympics are three months away!"

"Don't you raise your voice at me, useless bag of slobber! I've been sorting out that problem while your lazy ass was sleeping! We will use the hockey rink. I consulted their coach and we can organize timetable so everyone gets proper practice time."

Jongin groans, already thinking of all the bad things that will bring. Baekhyun and Chanyeol drooling over each other on daily basis in front of him is just one of them.

"I don't like their ice."

"I'm sorry, mister Prince, we will try to build a new rink for you so your skates wouldn't suffer." Jongin can picture his coach's mocking face and he just rolls his eyes. He gives up on furher argues, knowing too well that it won't lead him anywhere.

"12:30. You know where the rink is. Don't be late."


Jongin grumpily walks across the hall in search for the locker room skaters were told to use. The coach told them not to use hockey player's one so their equipment wouldn't mix, and honestly, Jongin doesn't have a single problem with that.

It's not like he doesn't like that team or like he's antisocial. He just values his own time when he trains. That's one of the reasons he chose individual skating in the first place. He doesn't like to depend on anyone or share his skating time with anyone- that's when it's just him, ice and music. He lets everything go, every problem and bother he has go away, and he lets the music carry him. He flows with it, sinking into pure ecstasy.

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