Forgotten World: City of Demigods

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In the beginning, the Gods created Heaven and Hell, Olympus and the Underworld, Valhalla and Hel or Niflheim. It is all the same in those mythologies. But it's not as easily told as it is in the books and legends. Olympus and Hades are real and so are the Gods that created them. So true that myth almost got it right.

Earth was made after our creator, Zeus, created the world we would live in. But indifferent from myth, Demigods were not born. They were created. The first being of the purest of Zeus's blood, Hercules, Arcas, Perseus, Thalia, Persephone. And his brother, Poseidon created from his blood Theseus, Pelias, Neleus, and Triton. And from their sister Athena's blood came Saffron, the only creation of the Wisdom God. More of the Demigods were born but none were of the same golden rich blood and power. And lastly came Melinoe and Zagreus, daughter and son of Hades.

Saffron became Queen of Earth as it only needed one queen at the time. She married and kinged Bhima, the creation of Air God Vayu. They were happy living in their kingdom and happiness was all a given. They were granted the chance to live forever and never see the face of Hades. They never went to war with anyone and famine rarely touched their land as long as they kept word to the Gods that there would be no wars and wrongful deaths.

But after many years had gone by Queen Saffron came to want a child of her own, not a full Demigod but she would have everlasting life and gifts from the Gods and Goddess'. She went to her Creator and asked for her own and called the new race, human. Athena, who was as interested in the wish as her so called daughter was, went to ask Zeus of she could grant her this wish.

Zeus was skeptical at first for her was foretold this by the Fates that a woman would grow tired of caring for children that were not her own. But this would bring death and evil to this land. Zeus called a meeting with his fellow Gods and told them of this interesting wish. Aphrodite told Zeus that this was a marvelous wish that should be granted to the humble queen. Agreement flowed through Olympus and down to the Earth and the wish was granted.

Queen Saffron was touched by Zeus and her husband and granted the first born child. Zeus told Saffron that it would take nine months time for the child to develop and be ready for birth. She was to tell her land and everyone around that there was to be a beautiful ball after the child was born for Persephone, Triton and Melione were to bless the child with gifts from the Gods for she was already gifted with everlasting life as well with her mother and father.

The nine months had passed and finally there was pain from Saffron that alerted her her child was coming. Zeus and Athena descended upon Saffron and Bhima and touched the queens stomach. They soothed the pain and out came the first born human. A light formed this the born girl's eyes and at an instant they knew what they would call her.

"Akia," Saffron said kissing her beautiful girl. "I'll name you Akia."

News rang across the land that the beautiful Akia was born and she is as beautiful as they sky. Everyone cheered and praised the Gods for this new gift. That was everyone except Hades and his creations. He was still angered that his brothers tricked him into the darkest and most hated world. He sought revenge on them and he knew exactly how to obtain his vengeance.

A week later the ball had started and everyone attended to see the new wonder of the world and hear and see the gifts that would be bestowed upon this new child.

Persephone went first with a sweet smile full of light. "With my powers I grant you beauty. Your hair would be long and as blond as the great sun and days. Your eyes will be deep and purple as the night sky. Your skin will be as fair as bronze metal. You will be the light of your new world with everlasting life."

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