Forgotten World: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The day in question is nothing but a blur. But I do know for a fact that

everything that happened was real. Dream or not, I knew I felt my love for

her. The way she smiled at me when I first gazed upon her angelic face. It was

the voice of her beautiful singing that drew me to her.

It all began when I was viewing the guard for my nation’s country. It

was only a few weeks before I was to be crowned King. My father had

recently passed away, and with me being the only blood heir to the throne, it

was my duty to take lead. My mother had renounced her title as Queen to my

country, stating that she was the Princess of her respected country, and had

obligations to go back. It was a dark time for he, for her mother, the Queen,

had died. She had duties to her Mother’s Kingdom, and couldn’t handle

being here, especially since she was also dealing with my father’s death. I was

the only one left to rule the country.

On the day of the Viewing, I rode my horse, Shila, through the crowd.

As I approached the guard, they drew their swords and raised them as a sign

of respect. And that’s when I noticed the most beautiful woman I had ever

seen in the back with the crowd. I looked at her beautiful brown hair, which

had traces of natural highlights from the sun, and how it gracefully formed

the shape of her neck and face. And I noticed how her bronze complexion

was even more beautiful. The more things I noticed about her, the more I

began to fall for her.

I was one to never believe in fairytales, growing up in my countries fight

for independence I knew that fairytales didn’t exist. There was nothing but

pain and anguish in the world. And to believe in something so childish was

not part of my world. But this woman, she made question reality. To be able

to make my heart skip a beat at first sight, to be able to make my palms sweat,

someone who had courted the most elegant woman the world had ever seen.

But this woman was beyond worldly beauty, there was something angelic about

her. And that’s when her eyes met my gaze.

They were of a color I had never seen before. It was color that looked

like it could be purple, but at the same time, it looked like it could be red. It

was something I had never expected. But when I saw her eyes, something

happened that I didn’t expect. It seemed that all at once I was given

knowledge to things I never knew. Places in the universe that no telescope

could ever reach. The true meaning to what the mortal life was. And that’s

when I collapsed. But the way it happened seemed to happen in slow motion;

the gasps, screams that came, the calling of my name. Before everything went

Forgotten World: City of DemigodsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant