>> N I N E <<

36 7 1

Nervous about the outcome of the surgery, Hee-Young tightly gripped the chair's arms. Slowly, one by one the layers of the wrapped bandage around her eyes came undone. With the last layer gone, Hee-Young continued to keep her eyes closed, too afraid to open them. Noticing the hesitation evident on her face, a small smile spread upon Doctor Kim's lips as he encouraged her in a gentle voice to open her eyes, "Hee-young, you may open your eyes...~ Don't be afraid~"

Breathing in a deep breath, she fluttered her eyes open. At first she squinted, not used to such obscure objects and colours which filled her vision. Blinking a few times more those blurry, funny looking objects came into clear view as she scanned her surroundings with her new gifted eyes. Drinking in what she saw, her eyes widening as they landed upon a glass window reflecting her. Shocked at seeing herself for the first time, taking all this in. 

However, five hospital rooms down lied a silently in pain Namjoon, anxious about the results of his father's surgery. As each day passed a growing fear yet understanding built within him.

He knew he was a day closer to saying goodbye.

A day closer before his heart stopped pumping.

A day closer to death.

Yet also a day closer to not being able to embrace his first love, to cling onto this beautiful feeling...

Two people with two different destinies yet were brought together... to face a tragic loss in their lives...

>  >  <  <

One week had passed since Hee-Young's bandages were undone, with great confusion and the overwhelming attention she had been receiving at school she had begun to get used to her sense of sight.

"Doctor Kim, you haven't told me who my eye donor is yet, can you please tell me~?"

Brusquely Doctor Kim stopped his typing, filling in notes about the succession of the surgery. Clamping his hands together, he gently placed them on his desk and questioned back in a serious manner, "Are you ready for me to tell you who? Will you be able to carry the weight of this person...?" Puzzled by his questions, she creased her brows, replying back, "I... don't understand, but yes, I am. I want to thank them and give them my gratitude."

"If that is what you wish," sighing softly he slowly stood up. "However, don't say I didn't warn you, Hee-Young," a perplexed Hee-Young slowly stood up and followed Doctor Kim down the hospital corridor which was assigned for patients who had undergone any eye surgery.

The further down they went, the more anxious yet tense she began to feel. "Here is his room," Doctor Kim's voice grew soft with a hint of sadness surfacing. Again confused, Hee-Young followed behind and instantly bowed, thanking the person and expressing her gratitude.

A slight chuckle escaped their lips, as the blank faced boy a moment ago brightened hearing the girl's voice and words, "Please don't thank me, I'm glad that your able to see and experience this world now, Hee-Young...~" Quickly she shot her head up, as her eyes widened at the voice.

"N-Na-Namjoon! Y-You're the one w-who donated your eyes... f-for m-me...?"

"I think it's best if I leave you two alone," Doctor Kim left, as a devastated Hee-Young and an uneasy Namjoon were left, both fighting their own small battle within themselves.

"What the hell were you thinking!? Donating your eyes Nam-"

"How much I loved you..."  he interjected, ready to confess these feelings which he tried to put aside. "I thought this will just be my first and last act of good I could do for someone. But the more I thought about it... I wanted to give you something which you will remember me by..." Timidly she walked towards him, as she gently held his icy hand in her warm ones. "Y-Ya, Namjoon... what are you trying to say?" her words came out as a soft whisper, choking slightly on her words. 

Hearing the devastation and hurt within Hee-Young's voice, Namjoon could feel his heart break. Taking a shaky breath he replied back just as softly, "... I might not be with you any longer..." squeezing her warm hand in his cold ones, he wanted to cry. But how does an eyeless person cry...?

So instead he clenched his jaw to prevent any hiccups or wavering in his voice be heard.

"Are you saying... y-you will d-die?"

>   >   <   <

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