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what is beautiful?

it is not

hiding in a glass bubble

of society's expectations.

it is not the cacophonous echoes

of razor blade words

ripping other people to ribbons.

no, beauty is much more than that.

beauty is

your mother in the kitchen,

strong hands making food

for her children that are her world.

beauty is

the old man at

the end of the scarred concrete road,

who's mind is marred

with the horrors of wars past,

yet each morning, he has

a joke for you.

beauty is

a child and her friend

shaping soft blooms with their hands,

thriving in the golden era of


the fate of the world

in their small palms.

beauty is

millions of people coming together,

to rise above




beauty is not

something we can wear or put on,


it is in who we are

and what we do.

you're beautiful.

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