Pretty Girls

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These girls
aren't your typical
"pretty girls".

The intellectual- books in her arms, thoughts buzzing like honeybees through her head. Her words are unparalleled, they entice the ears, educate the masses. Her intelligence radiates power, someday she will change the world.

the wild- this girl is an explosion, a manifestation of youthful mistakes and endless adventure. Glitter falls from every step she takes, she is the hangover from the night before. Party animal doesn't scrape the surface of her personality. Fiery, fun, and unafraid. She is like none other, she will burst into your life with a bang, and leave you breathless.

the quiet- soft spoken words, graceful footsteps. Her gentle finesse is reassuring. She is a delicate flower bud- soft and sweet, waiting for the perfect time to bloom into herself. You may not notice her often (she tends to slip away), but she will always be there for you when you need her.

the enigma- dark, mysterious, a creature of the night. She befuddles the minds of foolish boys, leaving them behind in her path. Ebony stormclouds; her armor impenetrable.  Don't try to figure her out, she is light years beyond comprehension.

the sunshine ray- birdsong, a chilled glass of lemonade, stomping in puddles, the warmth of someone's hand. Light seems to radiate from within her, sweeter than any sugar. Always a positive word ready to spring from her honeyed tongue, she will quite literally light up your life. Her love is never ending; she will bring peace and happiness to those who are deprived.

the funny- belly laughs boom like earthquakes, wide smiles, peace with herself. She will make you laugh harder than every before; every situation is another memory. Her humor is a song in its own way. These girls are quite rare, yet their gift will make the world happy again.

No, these girls
are not your typical
"pretty girls".
But they are.

Their beauty comes from
their imperfections,
their magical and unrivaled

Pretty comes from within,
pretty is what you make of it.
Pretty is the power of being yourself.

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