Chapter 4

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"Cool," Said Fay. "So, Sam, would you mind telling me why your brother tried to attack my with a knife?"

Sam snickered to himself at that comment, and then replied, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you the whole truth."

"Honestly, you'd be surprised at how open-minded I could be." Said Fay, who was truly curious. "Try me."

Sam's face turned serious as he said, "You're not kidding, are you? Alright then, first things first, Dean probably thought that you were a demon or another monster sent here to kill us." Sam explained the situation to Fay as she listened patiently, remembering every detail.

"Kevin should be stopping by any day now. So, do you think we're crazy yet?" Sam asked idly, smiling over his half eaten burger at Fay.

"Surprisingly, no." Replied Fay. "I've seen some weird crap too. Also, I'd be willing to be checked if you want to."

Sam looked surprised at her acceptance of the news of demons and shifters and other monsters, and at her willingness to be checked.

"Uh, okay then." Said Sam, shrugging his shoulders. "I have the different knives in the other room, one second." He added as he got up and left Fay alone in the kitchen.

When Sam returned, Fay was waiting patiently at the table with her forearm laying face up in front if her. Sam held an assortment of knives and sat across from Fay.

"Ready?" He asked, looking Fay in the eye an waiting for her answer.

"Yeah. I'm ready." Replied Fay with confidence. While Sam made each slice with the different knives in he forearm, Fay concentrated on her breathing. Sam explained the process.

"So, each blade is made from a different material, right? Specific materials have different reactions for different kinds of monsters. For example, the demon blade would cause flicker of electricity." Sam told her as he put down the seventh and final knife, then handed her a warm cloth to clean her wrist. The cuts weren't deep, so they would heal quickly.

"Anyways, why were you running from the government? I mean, you're what, thirteen?" Sam asked with curiosity filling his voice.

Fay sighed. "Fourteen, actually. And they wanted to lock me in an observation ward in Alaska. And I suppose now you want to know why they wants to lock me up in a ward." She added glumly.

"Well, actually, yeah, if you wouldn't mind." Said Sam conversationally.

"Okay," Said Fay. "But could we go back into that library? Sorry, the kitchen just isn't big enough and I assume that Castiel will want to see it too."


They walked back into the library.

"Hey Cas, Fay here says you might want to watch this. She's showing us the reason the government was chasing her." Explained Sam quickly. Cas looked up from his newspaper.

"Alright," He replied in a gravelly tone. "Have you checked her like Dean asked?" He continued.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Yes Cas, I checked her, and she passed. Now be quiet."

Fay sighed again. "Okay, just....You promise not to freak out or anything?" She looked slightly worried.

"We'll be fine." Said Cas. "Whenever you're ready, Fay." Said Sam with an encouraging smile.

Slightly relieved, Fay nodded and sucked in a large breath. As she let out her breath, Fay allowed her wings to stretch across the room around her.

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