Chapter 7

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"Crap, almost outta food." Sam muttered to himself He would need to go to the grocery store in town to stock up on supplies for the next week or so. He glanced back into the library where Cas was still cleaning weapons and Fay was reading, immersed in her book.

"Alright, Cas? Fay? I'm gonna head to the store and buy some groceries," He then directed his speech to Fay. "I don't know when Dean will be back, so you may be on your own for awhile" Fay looked up at Sam from where she was squashed into her chair.

"Can I come with you and see the town? I've never been to a store before." She asked with a charming smile. Sam was a bit surprised, but agreed to take her along.

As they stepped outside, Sam realized that Dean had taken the impala and that there were no other cars. He wished the Men of Letters had something other than motorcycles.

"You alright with walking Fay?" Sam asked. Fay had been allowed to wash up after her swim in the river, but Sam hadn't even thought to ask about any injuries.

Fay nodded, confirming to Sam that she was uninjured, and Sam smiled as they set off to the store.


"Sam, what's this called?" Fay questioned, picking up a dark green fruit.

"Avocado. It's really good, especially in guacamole. Cas likes these." Sam recalled Castiel eating four avocados In ten minutes the last time he'd bought them, so he tossed a few into the cart.

"What is...guacamole?" Fay asked, curious to know more.

"It's a dip." Fay still didn't completely understand, but she stopped asking questions.

Fay gazed along the seemingly infinite rows of food, all of the colors and smells surrounding her. What was hardest for her to wrap her mind around was the amount of food. All her life she had barely been fed enough to survive, and now she realized how she had been deprived of all this. It was overwhelming for her, and she stayed next to Sam for the rest of the trip.

That day, Fay discovered how much she loved the public, all of the people surrounding her, wrapped up in their own lives and giving her barely a moment's thought. They saw her as a normal girl, not a freak of nature who needed to be locked away. She loved it. It was so new to her, being surrounded by people and not having to worry about anything. She would observe as much detail as she could find, on every person. She wondered how eyes could be so many different colors.

"Nobody's eyes are the same," Fay remarked to Sam. "Some colors are similar, but all of the shades are different."

Sam looked at her curiously, but with a smile. She reminded him a bit of Cas, the way they would both see everything and find it all remarkable, unique, almost like they were from another world.

When Sam and Fay got to the cash register to pay for the stacks of taco-making kits, hamburger meat, and boxes upon boxes of pie, Fay's curiosity peaked at the sight of money.

"We get heaps of food and she gets some green paper? How is that a fair trade?" Fay was bursting with questions.

"Well," Sam began to answer her questions yet again. "The different pieces of green paper are worth different amounts. You need to pay a certain amount to have something. So, say I wanted to buy a pair of...sunglasses. The woman at the register will tell me how much I need to pay, and I'll give her that amount. If the sunglasses are worth five dollars, I will give her a five dollar piece of paper. Like this one here."

Sam pulled a five dollar bill out of his pocket, allowing Fay to observe it. She stared at it in curiosity, wondering how a piece of paper could be worth a whole pair of sunglasses as she and Sam strolled out the door of the grocery store.


Dean Winchester stared straight ahead as "You Shook Me All Night Long" blasted through the speakers of Baby, which were sure blow out soon enough with all of this heavy metal at full volume.

Dean usually blasted Metallica or AC/DC or some other form of that genre when he was upset, but it was becoming more and more common for him to do this when he was frustrated, or even happy. Sort of like an angst-y teenager that he secretly was.

At this particular moment, Dean was frustrated, with a splash if annoyance and touch of worry. He was also slightly intoxicated at this point, which didn't help, but the music, surprisingly, would help keep his mind on things other than his own problems. Like the road, for instance.

Dean stared straight down the empty highway as the lyrics rang through his ears

Oh yeah, you shook me all night long

The trees whipped by the 1967 Chevy Impala that Dean had repaired countless times so that you couldn't really see them, but you knew they were there.

When Dean pulled up to the bunker, he turned off the car, but he didn't get out. He leaned back and closed his eyes, with his hands folded behind his head, because he didn't want to face everyone just yet.

A/N: UGHHH FINALLY THE NEW CHAPTER and to the few people who are actually reading this, I'm sorry that I suck at writing and pretty much nothing has happen in the story yet. I have a severe case of writer's block.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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