chapter 10: wait what happened?

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Brontes pov:
I woke up to the sun shining in my room and a massive headache. I sat in my bed for a minute desperately trying to remember what happened last night, but I just couldn't. The last thing I remember was grabbing Payton to go get another drink. I ran my fingers through my hair and sat up, I reached over to my bed side table and opened the drawer, I pulled out 4 Advil and took them with the water on my table. I got out of bed and winced at the shooting pain in my side, what the hell happened last night? All of a sudden brooks and austin walked in my room and their faces turned white then saw i was awake. "Morning?" I muttered as they both stared at me. "How are you feeling?" Brooks asked while seriously studying my face. "I have a bitch of a headache and my side hurts but nothing I can't handle" austin shook his head. "Okay what the hell is going on....?" I asked getting annoyed. "Come here" brooks said grabbing my hand and pulling me to my bathroom. I walked in very confused and then looked in the mirror, as soon as I saw my face I gasped. I began to touch my face and a tear rolled down my cheek. The purple, and blue bruises covered my face, my nose was swollen huge and I had two very black eyes, and a fat lip. "What the hell happened?" I asked getting angry. "Sit down" austin and brooks ushered me to my bed and we all sat down.

After they walked me through last nights events I didn't even know what to think. "I was almost raped, again? How does this happen? I don't understand." I cried. " we are so sorry, I fought him and I just wanted to kill him, but I didn't" austin shook his head. "That doesn't change the fucking fact that I was almost fucking raped again." I growled. They both looked at each other then looked back at me, "what do you want for lunch?" Brooks asked, "I DONT WANT FUCKING LUNCH??????? I FUCKING WANT TO KNOW WHY MY LIFE IS SO GOD DAMN AWFUL TO THE POINT WHERE TWO FUCKING TIMES IN MY LIFE A GUY THINKS IT IS OKAY TO RAPE ME?" I yelled as I slammed my phone on my bed and stood up. "Brontelle. We are sorry this happened to you, and I want nothing more than to kill that bastard but it was not our fault. We both tried to protect you, and thankfully he was not able to actually rape you. Yes he hit you and I want him dead but you still have your innocence" brooks said to me. "My fucking innocence? What the dick is that even supposed to mean. I don't fucking care okay. Thanks for punching him after means a lot! I'm leaving" I grabbed my keys off my table and then walked to my car, "bronte come back here right now" austin yelled, "brontelle stop trying to leave"  brooks followed behind.  "Leave me the fuck alone" i yelled as tears streamed down my face and I slammed the garage door. I looked in the garage and tried to decide which car I wanted to take. I needed something fast. I grabbed my white Bentley, my Christmas present last year. I opened the garage then back out, as soon as I hit the street i revved the engine and gassed it out on the road. As soon as I hit the street I slowed down, I'm not going to risk other peoples lives just because something shitty happens to me, also I'm not risking mine, yeah what happened fucking sucks but I would never hurt myself. I grabbed my phone and turned my "feels" playlist on and then drove to In n Out. I put the hood of my sweatshirt on and a pair of sunglasses, let's not forget my face is completely bruised. Once I got my food I drove to Venice beach and got out of my car, grabbed my food, my drink, my headphones and a blanket. The beach was empty, not a soul in site, such a rare occasion, especially for Venice beach, i was lucky. I walked to the water and laid my blanket in the sand, I sat down, put my headphones in, turned off my locations services, turned on "do not disturb" and ate my in n out in peace.

I woke up to the sound of waves crashing on the shore. I stretched and looked up at the sky, the moon was high above me, and it was pitch black out. How long had I slept? I guess I needed the sleep. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 6:30 Damn. I decided it was time to turn off my "do not disturb" as soon as I did all the missed texts and calls came flooding in, whoops. I read all the texts, they were all the same, brooks, austin, Payton, and i guess they even decided to bring in Brent, all calling me to know where I am. I decided not to answer. I would be home soon enough. I grabbed all my stuff and walked to my car, once I got in I took a deep breath and started the car. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. As soon as I pulled in the driveway Brooks, Austin, Peyton, and Tyler all game running out towards me, "where the hell have you been" peyton yelled while opening my car door. "i'm sorry you guys. i was so pissed i just needed time to myself, i know it was selfish" i said shaking my head. they all hugged me and we slowly walked inside, "do you guys want to order in dinner?" brooks asked picking up the phone. after we ordered our food we all decided to bowl, we have a bowling alley downstairs in our house. the competition of the bowling and the company of my best friends cleared my head exactly how i needed. i'm fucking blessed to have these people in my life, i have had a lot of shit happen to me but i'm done being the victim, i'm done being attacked, i'm done be weak, i was going to take my life into my own hands, with the people i love.

4 days Later:
"Merry Christmas!!!" i yelled as we everyone walked down the stairs, they all smiled and slowly rubbed their eyes but came up and hugged me. "how long have you been up?" austin asked stretching his arms, "umh since 4:00 i believe. that's okay though i wanted to do something for you all" i smirked. Peyton, Tyler, Brent, Austin and Brooks all stared at me knowing i had something up my sleeve, i grabbed there arms and pulled them to the dining room of the lodge, the table was decorated (pretty beautifully if i do say so my self) and there was every breakfast food imaginable on the table, with a place card for each of us, and a gift sitting on the table for each person. "i wanted to thank you guys for being so amazing to me over the last few months, i have had a lot of problems and y'all are constantly there to help me and i truly do not deserve you guys. Merry Christmas. I'm so blessed to be able to celebrate this holiday with the people i love, in the beautiful Telluride Colorado. open y'alls gifts now!" i smiled as i hugged all of them. their faces lit up as they each opened their gifts, i got me and peyton matching cartier bracelets and rings. i got brooks, brent, and tyler rolex watches and then slowly looked at austin as he began to open his. he picked up the little green box and opened it revealing a rolex watch as well, but there was something else in his box, he slowly picked up the paper then fell to his knees as he read the paper. in the box was two tickets to the NFL Hall of fame dinner held at the beginning of each year where they recognize past hall of famers and and crown new ones. All of the living legends, the greatest football players to ever play the game will be there. If you knew austin you would know how excited he was, ever since he was a little boy he has been in love with all things football and especially all things Dallas Cowboys. Their greatest Quarterback and austin's favorite player of all time Troy Aikman will be there as long as many others whom austin as looked up to his entire life, the tickets include a meet and greet with all of the athletes and a signed ball from each. he looked up at me and had tears rolling down his cheeks, he stood up and pulled me into the biggest embrace, lifting me off my feet, "thank you so much you are the greatest girlfriend in the entire world, i literally have no words" he shook his head, still in shock. no one else had seen what the present actually was, and so they all stood there confused, "she - sh - she got me tickets to the NFL hall of fame dinner, i'm going to meet my hero, i'm i- i'm going to meet Troy Aikman" he said in utter shock. everyone ran up and hugged him, and high fiving him, "are you fucking serious bronze??? you bought him NFL tickets? you don't think i would like to do that? i'm jealous bro but happy for you" brooks laughed while bringing austin in for a hug. once we finished eating and opening presents austin went upstairs to facetime his parents since he wasn't with them. "you love him don't you" peyton smiled while looking at me as we sat outside in the hot tub looking over the snow filled mountains, "i do, so much, i love him so much. i'm so scared though, the last time i loved someone it killed me, it wrecked me." i said shaking my head, "he is nothing like kyle, and he loves you so much, you can tell. i'm so happy for you, this is what you both deserve" i smiled and then continued to relax in the hot tub with my best friend, while austin spoke to his mom and dad, and brent, brooks and austin played 2k. 30 minutes later i walked upstairs to find austin, i walked into his room and heard him laughing at something his mom said, i ran up behind him and decided to scare him, he jumped and began to scream, "oh my god, bronts you scared me" he laughed, i smiled and leaned down to look at his phone, "hi momma jane" i blew a kiss to his mom and smiled big, "hi baby girl, Merry Christmas!!!! i wish we were celebrating with you guys right now" "we miss you and we love you" we smiled at her, then austin's dad came up behind her and we began to talk to him for a few minutes. once they hung up i stood up and grabbed austin's hand and we began to walk out when he looked at me and saw that i was wearing a swimsuit under my robe and began to slowly untie my robe while laughing, as soon as he saw me in my swimsuit, which barely covered anything, he began to breathe slower, "damn girl, you gotta change, you look to good in that" he smiled and i began to laugh and went to my room to change.

Later that night we all sat around the fire played board games, laughing and talking while drinking and eating our favorites. A few hours later we all decided to go to bed, Brooks went to his room, Brent went to his room, Tyler went to his, as did Austin. Me and Peyton decided to have a sleep over like the old days. As we laid in our bed we were laughing and talking about everything under the sun, I wanted to talk about one thing else. "P, i need to tell you something" i slowly said as i looked at her, "okay....go ahead" "i want to have sex with austin, tomorrow. i want this so bad and i know i haven't had sex since kyle, and then after that he raped me and then i was almost raped again, but i'm ready. i'm in love and i'm ready." i smiled, and i truly meant it, i love austin and i'm ready. "i'm so happy for you brontelle, you deserve this. you two are meant to be" she smiled and then we finished our movie, happy as can be.

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