Shoot out

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Bainka pov

Me and my cousin Britney sat down waiting for marriss to come I got up to look for here but to late she already came she was standing bye the door looking side to side we here"!! I Yelled for she can know where we. She walked over an sat down saying hey nice to meet u" to Brittney hey nice to meet u to"Brittney said back

We sat back laugh talked and watch y'all want to go dance." I said to Brittney and marriss yah they both said we got up and walk towards the crew that we're dancing.

Brittney pov

Damn that's a lot of hoes I whispered but

Marriss heard me I really didn't like here the way she act she act girly but she do dress nice. I wonder how bainka became friends with her ass!! I said I'm my mind

Looking at her up an down.

Marriss pov

As we joined the crew people were dancing the boy were behind the girl doing the red nose. we all laugh as I notice someone jumped In front of me blocking my way of see they turned around it was the same boy I saw in front of the bathroom and gave me my keys. I ask him is gonna keep following me he said maybe we both laugh but something interrupted it sounded like gun fire it was!! two cars pass bye shooting he covered me as the two cars passed bye he grabbed my arm pulled me inside the house and closed the door my name Tim he said breathing heavily marrissi said texting bainka...

Me:where u at

Bainka:in my car scared to get up

Me:I'll be there

Bainka:ok hurry

Me:I will

Bainka pov

I waited in my car ducking scared to look up a boy opens my door grabbing my hand to take me out the car I started kicking him and said get the fuck off me"!! I yelled.

He said calm down I'm not gonna hurt u" he said forcing be to fighting him I calmed down got out the car an followed him towards the door were marriss was standing I gave here a glade huge hug.

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