so far away.

430 27 17

quick note! italics means the characters are speaking korean :-)

quick note! italics means the characters are speaking korean :-)

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THERE HAD ALWAYS been something about america's pretty west coast beaches and lavish lifestyles that had always left kim taehyung intrigued. although when he fantasized of sun bathing in beautiful american beaches when he was sixteen, he had never once considered the thought that his dreams would come true. he had just pushed them away and cursed himself for wishful thinking.

but he was now 20 and touring around the world. he wasn't just sun bathing in america's west coast, but also in the beautiful white sanded beaches in the caribbean. he lived an overly lavish life with beautiful silk clothes and high end accessories. he should have been more than happy, but he felt incomplete. like there was something, no someone, missing.

the following year after that realization, bangtan had been nominated for a billboard award. and wow, the group had been beyond surprised. feeling a series of different emotions when bang pd had come down to their shared dorm to inform them about the amazing news. their leader, namjoon, had been the one that was left speechless. especially since he had been the only member left from the original group, he was beyond proud of all of their achievements.

may 27th had finally arrived, and all of the member's hotel rooms were packed with different stylists and make up artists. taehyung felt a bit queasy and on edge as his stylist went on and on about the different suits he could wear, which just ended up making the poor boy feel overly suffocated. his hands trembled as he chose the suit that fit more his style, a saint laurent suit, along with a belt of the same brand, and a simple gucci silver band around his pointer finger to make his outfit a bit more extravagant than it already was.

night time vegas was beautiful. the grand hotels were honestly magnificent and taehyung would have probably enjoyed the view more if he hadn't been so goddamn nervous. he fidgeted with the band on his finger as he tried his best to calm his overwhelming nerves. his brown bangs slightly covered his eyes as he looked at his expensive feet. he was beyond nervous, as all the members were. they were terrified. terrified of accidentally embarrassing themselves in front of the celebrities they've admired growing up. they only had namjoon to translate the most he could if anyone tried to speak to them and although taehyung had spent the entire night trying memorize simple phrases to get through small talk like "how are you?" and "thank you", he was still very on edge.

his heart felt like it'd bounce out his chest from how hard and fast it was beating. and when their limousine came to a halt, namjoon gave the boys a pep talk. urging them to try their best to have fun and not stress too much over their overwhelming nerves. all six boys nodded in understanding once their leader finished speaking. seokjin being the first to exit the limo. immediately the flashes of cameras could be heard as the american reporters waited eagerly for the foreign boy band to finally make their appearance on the billboards' prestigious red carpet. taehyung had decided to exit with namjoon, staying close by his side in case anyone tried interviewing them. he smiled at the cameras thanking to god he was wearing make up to hide the blush he could feel forming in his cheeks.

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