Amdrag: The Ski Trip Scenes 12-15

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Scenes: 12-15

(12)Brad: (him and Jake in room) Dude, check it out! (radio-weather forecast of blizzard) Hear that? Blizzard comin' in.The ladies love the blizzards. The cold makes them all snuggly. Aw-Whoo! I'm gonna totally make my move with Rose tonight! I got all the junk for romance, chocolates, candle light...

Jake: Let me guess. Romantic music?

Brad: You kidding? These are just so I don't have to listen to her talk. Or you for that matter. (puts headphones on) What? What? Ha, can't hear you.

Jake: (sighs/scoffs)

(13)Mr. Rotwood: Don't worry about me now. My teutonic (German) blood allows me to endure extraordinarily high levels of pain. (mumbles incoherently and passes out; falls out the window)

Jake: This is it! I've gotta tell Rose I'm a dragon before Brad gets a chance to make his move!

Trixie: Uh, Jakey, I don't wanna be the one to bring this up, but seeing as you're blind as a bat, haven't you noticed

anything strange about the way Rose has been acting?

Jake: No.

Spud: Denial, party of one, your table's ready.

Trixie: Think back, Jakey. The missing ski pass, the ninja body slam, the pro-wrestler biceps...boy! I'm sorry, Jakey, but Rose is totally huntsgirl. And I'm not about to let you go tell your archenemy that you're a dragon. I mean, think about it.

Jake: Hey! You're pretty sure about this. TOO SURE! Maybe 'cause you're hiding something. You kknow, I searched every girl's room this weekend except yours, huntsgirl! (points at Trixie)

Spud: (gasps)

Trixie: Ok, now you just buggin', boyfriend! If I were her, I woulda shut you down by now. You can't touch my ninja business! (tsks) I'm sorry but it's Rose.

Spud: "Roses are red, Jake wants to hurl, 'cause he just found out that Rose is huntsgirl." Ha, man. You know what, I am good at this stuff.

Rose: (talking to random girl) See ya. (walks by Brad with angry expression)

Brad: Oh yeah. And now for a little Rose-Brad alone time.

Trixie: I'm sorry, Jake, but, who you gone trust? (points in Rose's direction) Us or her? Jake, (stops Jake from following Rose) are you listenin' to me?

Jake: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Can we talk about this later?

Trixie: No, we cannot talk about...Ow! (Jake transforms his arm into dragon mode, arm glows red hot and elbow grows sharp) All right, ok, but don't come cryin' to Trixie when that she-witch flays you with her...(Jake leaves lodege) hunts...thingamabobby.

Spud: "Roses are red, Spud is afraid, Trixie's ticked off, Jake's getting slayed."

Trixie: Argh, you! (graps Spud) You got to shut that down!

(14)Brad: Rose! Ros-alicious! Oomph. (falls down) Ding, ding, baby! You got a ticket for the Brad-a-rail! Now boarding at station love. Whoo, whoo!

Jake: Eye of the dragon. (sees blurry image of Rose; rubs eyes, sees huntsgirl) Dragon up! (flies over to huntsgirl) What exactly did I tell you about trapping innocent creatures?

Rose: Hmm. You don't look so innocent to me.

Jake: (steps on trap) Huh? Whoa! Uh. (struggling to get out of trap) Aww, man!

(15)Trixie: You know what? Forget him. Let him fend for himself out in the snow with a blizzard and a ninja.

Spud: I'm worried about him, too. (Spud looks very sad)

Trixie: Well, come on then. We gotta get our rescue on. (opens lodge door)

Mr. Rotwood: ...Where exactly do you think you're going? (snow falls on Rotwood) Oh. (Trixie and Spud leave)

Spud: There! Jake's footprints!

Trixie: I'm guessin' that's where the wings kicked in.

Spud: There's no way we can walk up that mountain in this storm.

Trixie: Who said anything about walkin'? (points at ski lift)

Spud: (gulps, hold stomach as if about to puke)

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