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Sans shivered as the being disappeared, the weight of another being latching so his soul making his head hurt more than it already did

Sans eye(s??) took a moment to readjust,  his face scrunching up in confusion. Oh! He was in his room but not his bed.  He's in Papyrus'. Speaking of Papyrus, he was passed out cold. Sans smile fell lopsided as he tucked Papyrus in.

Sans looked over to the digital clocked positioned above Papyrus' bed.


 Sans doubted any body would be awake. He made his way downstairs, wobbling and falling until he finally made it into the kitchen

He opened the fridge, but closed it quickly as he saw the golden color of mustard. NonONonONONonONoNOno

He knew he was being irrational, having a panic attack over a fucking mustard bottle? But.. what if it wasn't.. IT WASNT.. NonONONoNONonoNONonono. 

Before Sans could get any louder a ghostly hand snapped over his mouth, quieting him.

"Shut up comedian, your going to get us into trouble." Chara paused. "Now, remember our meeting with Flowey?" Chara grinned but Sans grimaced. Unable to stop himself, he marched out the door. Though, he heard a small childs gasp.. 

Sans closed the door behind him, pulling his hood up over his face as to cover his glowing red eye

"where'd he say he'd be?" Sans mentally asked Chara. 

"He said he'd be in the golden flower patch at the park." Chara paused "I think?"

"do you really not remember..?" Sans asked, starting to go into the direction of the central park.


Frisk kept close behind Sans, making sure to keep quiet as to not disturb.

As they approached central park, Frisk ducked behind a conveniently shaped lamp (Seriously, where do these come from?!

"Hiya, Azzy." Chara chimed. It seemed Sans was no longer there. Though.. Frisk could see a familiar skeletal outline on the ground a few feet away. "So, phase one down. Whats next?" Chara asked, chipping at Sans' radius.

"Well, you and the skeleton have a good amount of determination, And all humans have atleast a little bit of determination in them right? So, we kill a few humans while its still dark and get the rest of the determination we need."

"Sounds good." Chara said. "Want a ride?" They said as an afterthought, holding out Sans' right arm.

"Yup! Thanks~" Flowey said, vines intertwining within Sans' bones, Flowey tucked himself safely in between Sans' shoulder and collar bone. The outlined ghost made a grunt of pain.


Frisk watched in mute horror as Flowey and Chara made Sans slay atleast 20 humans. By 5am, Sans was coated in the sickly looking substance known as blood, it brought back some terrible feelings from a past timeline.


Sans blinked, he was back in control of his own body, he looked around. It was pouring rain and he felt drained.

He wandered into a back alley, leaning against a wall before slumping down into a muddy puddle, soaking him.

His bones felt too tight, like they would break at any moment. He had the marks from Flowey's vines still imprinted into his arms, as well as the newest ones.

He heard small footsteps pounding up to him, despite being quiet footsteps, to him they felt like hell to his head.

"Sans!" A small child's voice spoke, his head fell to the side to face the voice as he opened his eyes.


"Sans! Y-You!" Frisk paused, seemingly unable to finish their sentence

"i-i k-k-know k-kid.." Sans paused, his body falling limp against Frisk "g-g-guess t-this is w-what y-you felt l-l-like w-w-when you were..p-p-posse-AH!" Sans didn't finish his sentence. One of his arms had snapped in half, falling into dust beside him. "d-d-damn--it.. h-ha..h-haa..."  Sans fell limp once more, not dead, just unconscious .

Frisk pulled out their phone, dialing in Papyrus' number. 

"HUMAN??? WHY ARE YOU CALLING?? HAVE YOU FOUND SANS??" Papyrus asked, panicked. 

"Yes... I did. He's unconscious in the alley across from central park... Can you come get us..?" Frisk asked, adjusting Sans' head to be laying in their lap.


Something grabbed Frisk's wrist. It was Sans, but he looked different. His eyes were blood shot red and had a sickly blood colored flame around them.

" Y o u r n o t g o i n g a n y w h e r e."

Frisk screamed.

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