Nightmarish Error

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Sans took a deep breath. He was about to explain to everbody how he had gotten this way. It wasn't a very a pleasant memory

"ok, soooos-s--s---o.  i-i-ii--iii-'m gon--nna s-s--s-s-ign a-a-a--all of th-t-t-this to f------ff---risk, and t--t-t-they'yll translate i--i-i-t t-t t-t-to yy--ou. d-d-dont t-t-t-t-think y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yyyy--you'll e-e-e-enjoy m--my gl----litched v-v-v-..voi..C--e." Sans said and  looked to Frisk. Frisk had been selecivly mute in the underground, but upon reaching the surface she had chose to speak rather than sign.

Frisk nodded, and took a deep breath. While they had been there when Sans was changed, they had not seen all of it. So hearing Sans' part of it would be interesting

Sans began to sign, Frisk began to speak. "So.. I snuck out that morning for uh.. Reasons i'd rather not to discuss. We uhm-- " Sans stopped signing, the errors around his face wavering and shaking. He was scared. After about 2 minutes Sans started signing again. "They made me kill. Atleast.. 20 humans... We needed more determination. CH- They, wanted to overwrite the timeline to where neither of them ever died. Heheahehha... They obviously f- messed up someplace. It didn't overwrite anything. It over writ me. It overwrit them. I'm just lucky i stayed apart of the universe. To be honest.. I don't exist. Im just a weird glitch in your timeline. Your not supposed to remember me. I'm not supposed to remember me." Sans glitched eyes found their way to Papyrus. "You dont have a brother Papyrus. Yet.. Im still here. .. I... don't know what happened to the flower and them. I wouldn't be suprised if they were the ones that were removed from existance... So.. Thats how i got like this." Sans finished signing, and Frisk stopped talking.

Nobody spoke..

Papyrus was the first to say something, and his voice was unatrually quiet. "Sans.. Could I.. Talk To You In Private?" Papyrus asked. Sans nodded and walked upstairs with Papyrus into their room.

"I am.. so dearly sorry brother.. I'm sorry we didn't get to you sooner and im sorry that i didn't watch over you good enough."

Sans perked up. Why was his brother apologizing? All of this wasnt his fault...

"w-w-w-w-w--w-w--w...hat? w-w--why are y-y-you appp--ologizing?"  Sans asked his eyes going out. Man, he hated his own voice.

"If I Had Watched You Better You Would Not Have Gotten hurt!" Papyrus said, virgant tangerine tears free flowing down his skeletal face which Sans was so used to see smiling, that it hurt to see those tears after years of happiness.

"H---hey.. d--d-d--d-d--d--dont c-c--ry paps.. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-'M OkKkkKk s-s--s-see!" Sans said, his grin tightening. It was true. He was ok.  was. Now, its hard to react and have empathy. 

Before Papyrus could even respond, Sans pulled his brother into a hug. Sans was crying now.

"p-p-p-pl-lee--ease d-d-dont cry p-p-paps. i-'m o--K Y-oU d---ONt Nee-D t--OO c--rY.." Sans said, smiling. After 2 minutes Papyrus finally did stop crying. But asked a simple question.

"DO..DO THEY HURT?" Papyrus asked.

"d--o w---what hhhh--hurt?" Sans asked, tilting his head.

"THE..THE ERRORS.." Papyrus said, a bit flustered.

"o-o-oh? t---they h--uu..h-urt s--s-sometimes...." Sans said, scratching his cheek as he tried to focus all of his energy onto keeping his emotions straight. Sans had learned that if his emotions got the better of him his voice and body tended to be more glitched than normal.

This would never be Papyrus fault. 

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