East Asia and the Cupid

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Once there was a girl who is hapon (japanese). Who always wakes up at hapon (ha-pon - afternoon). But one faithful day she met a chinese girl.

The chinese girl fell inlove at first sight with the hapon girl. The hapon girl also fell inlove with first sight with the chinese girl.

They asked each other if they want to hangout. So they both said "Yes."

At the same time, in the cupid world there was an error happend because of Cupid Riane (Ryan pronunciation). So Cupid Riane went to the human world to find the hapon girl and the chinese girl.

But atlast, Cupid Riane found the couple and said

"I'm sorry but there was a mistake happend. You are not the supposed couple."

But the hapon and chinese girl answered "We are meant for each other and love each other so you can go now."

So Cupid Riane is happy for them that rhey found true love without the help of Cupid Riane.

So while Cupid Riane is walking she saw a girl who is slightly older walking. So they both stared at each other for atlest 5 seconds.

So the girl intoduced herself to Cupid Riane "Hi my name is Lein."

So Cupid Riane also introduced herself to Lein "Hi my name is Cupid Riane..... I mean Riane." So Cupid Riane smiled sheepishly.

"Cute." Lein muttered under her breath.

Cupid Riane heard what Lein said and blushed profusely.

So Lein asked Cupid Riane if she wants to hang out. Ofcourse Cupid Riane said Yes.

So all of them lived a happily ever after.

The End.

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