Chapter 7: into the forest..

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23 year into the future

"What do you mean Sakura is MISSING" Sasuke Uchiha was furious, his wife of 13 years, and mother to his 12 year old daughter,  has been missing for the past 4 or 5 months..and he was just now hearing about it.

"we've Tried Sasuke."  Naruto Uzamaki the 7th Hokage tried to reassure him.  "we didn't find anything strange,  there was almost no sigh of struggle other then a broken mug and a overturned chair." 

Sasuke slammed his hand onto the table, and glared at Naruto  "how come i'm hearing about this NOW?"

Naruto sighed "it's hard to get messenger hawks to you, and my summons can never seem to find you Sasuke." 

Sasuke sighed in annoyance and ran his fingers through his hair.

"for should get back to Sarada..she's been very upset...Hinata-chan should be with her right now.."  Naruto remarked.


"and Sasuke?"


"we will find her..i promise" 

Sasuke made his way to the Uchiha Compound, where Sarada was waiting..but he couldn't help but pause and look at the building...the building Sakura had helped him rebuild..being his extra hand that he had lost.

As soon as Sasuke opened the front door, Sarada was tackling him,  tears running down her face and words mashing together so quickly he couldn't understand her.  Sasuke closed the door with his foot,  his only arm holding Sarada in a death grip,  he didn't want to let go for fear of loosing her too.

"Hinata.."  Sasuke nodded at her, who was sitting calmly at the kitchen table, staring at the paperwork that flooded it.

"other then cleaning up the coffee spill and picking up the chair..everything is where it was when she vanished." Hinata told him softly,  getting to her feet and picking up her coat.

"thank you Hinata." 

"your welcome Sasuke-kun." Hinata smiled lightly before leaving the compound, leaving Sasuke and Sarada standing in the kitchen, staring at the last known location of Sakura Uchiha..

"Papa.."  Sarada sobbed.

"i'm here Sarada..i'm here.." 

Something caught Sasuke's eye,  a rather nice looking scroll that sat on the edge of the table, the ribbion holding it closed  looked Sakura opened it...what if..she wasn't kidnaped..but left the village?

Sasuke released Sarada, who still clung to him like a moneky, and reached for the scroll, his fingers brushed it, and a bright light filled the room.

23 years in the past


Sakura moved on instinct, and anger from a small fight with Ino,  almost leaving Naruto and Sasuke behind.  Her intense training had started to pay off,  although her chakra levels were still low, her speed had increased dramatically along with her strength, meaning she had to hold back.

"Sakura slow down!" Naruto called out

"we can't Naruto,  the sooner we find the earth scroll the sooner we can get out of here."  

"but Sakura, we need to conserve our energy" Sasuke argued

arn't you a chatter box lately..Sakura mused,  stopping in her tracks.  The boys flew past her, then quickly turned around to face her.

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