Chapter 1 How I Met You

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"Hello? Earth to Mars!" An attention seeking voice spoke.

"Huh? Oh sorry. What were you saying?" I asked the cute freckle-faced girl.

"Marcy, where are you? Your head has been elsewhere. I feel best friend deprived." The girl grumbled. 

"I'm sorry Abby. I'm just tired. I worked a late shift last night and stayed up till three." I apologize accounting for the minor daydreaming session.

" Yeah well, as I was saying, there is a guy over there that's been staring at you for the past twenty minutes of you ignoring me." She subtly pointed in the direction of the culprit.

"Is he cute?" I asked her interested in knowing who my admirer is.

"Oh yes, absolutely. I would eat him up if I didn't have a boyfriend."  She says leaning forward resting her head on her hands.

"How are you two lovebirds?" I asked.

"Oh, you know. We're okay." She said lightheartedly.

"That sounds questionable. What's up Abbs?" I asked concerned.

"Well, I think he's planning to stick the question." She said.

"And?" I pushed.

"And I'm not ready for that. I know we have been together for almost three years, but I still have a lot going on with school and all. I'm scared somethings gonna happen and I'm honestly scared that if we got married, not even a year later we will apart and want a divorce." She said obviously stressed out.

"Abby, I understand that your past relationships haven't ended well, but you shouldn't stop yourself from being happy with the person your with right now. You two love each other more than I love photography. That's saying a lot. Look, don't think about what might happen. Think about what you want to happen, how he makes you feel now and how he's made you feel for the past couple of years. You don't have to get married yet if you don't want to, but if you want to then don't let the what-ifs keep you from that. If we lived our lives off of what-if, we would never leave our homes." I said trying to give her the best advice possible.

"Thanks, Mars. Your the best. You like a wise old man in a skinny girl's body that has the weirdest coffee addiction." She said appreciatively.

"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or insult." I said tapping my chin as if I had to think hard and long about it.

"Maybe both." Abby shrugged.

We currently were sitting in a café and wasn't anything special. The small café was called The Butcher's Daughter, and it sits on a street corner at the end of the block from my apartment. It was a quick walk and became mine and Abby's favorite place for morning coffee.

 It was a quick walk and became mine and Abby's favorite place for morning coffee

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Oh how much I love coffee. If a guy proposed to me with simply promising a lifetime of coffee, we would be married that same day.

"Mars. I think you should go talk to that guy. I think he's totally into you." Abby said.

I turn around and look for the guy that's obviously eye-stalking me.
He was unbelievably more stunning than I thought he would be. He sat at the front of the café by the windows. His leg was crossed over the other, and a sketchpad was laying in his lap. As he saw that I was staring back at him he froze and realized he had been caught and then smiled. I smiled back and turned around facing Abby again.

"Your right. He is quite good looking isn't he." I say smiling at Abby.

Abby gets up from the table and announced to the entire café that she was going to the bathroom, obviously signaling for me to go talk to the guy. As she leaves, I keep my seat and sip my coffee. If he really was interested in me then he will approach first, although I didn't have to wait long. I heard his chair screech from behind me, and the rustling of him gathering his stuff and then nothing. 

At first, I thought he was on his way to the door, but then I suddenly heard a faint clearing of the throat and then, "Hi, Hello, can I sit?" 

I nodded with a smile and continue to sip my coffee.

He smiles back at me with slightly stained teeth that I assume is from lots and lots of coffee. He sets his stuff on the table;  which consists of a sketchbook, graphite pencils, and a dark brown canvas flap messenger bag, and sits down.

"Are you good?" I say pointing at his sketchbook. 

"I'd like to think so." He says pushing the worn out booklet towards me.

I take it and open to the first page. As I flip through the pages I am wowed by the beauty and originality of his drawings. One drawing consisted of a man who stood as a tree. The tree man presented all four season by it limbs either covered in snow, orange leaves falling to the ground, green leaves that stood out looking alive, or no leaves at all. In the base of the tree was the man's exposed chest that had an arrow sticking out of his heart. I kept looking through the pages until I came to the last drawing. It was me sitting in one of the café's chairs looking towards the windows as if I was daydreaming, and then Abby's face scrunched looking at me knowing I wasn't paying attention to her. 

I laughed and looked up from the drawing. He was tapping his fingers nervously as if he feared they weren't any good.

"These are amazing you know." I tell him.  

He stops his nervous tapping and looked me in the eyes. He then smiled at me.

"Thank you, um...?" He wondered.

"My name is Marcy, but you can call me Mars." I said smiling at him.

"Nice to meet you, Mars, my name is Mathew." He said and stuck his hand out to shake mine.

"Nice to meet you too." I said while I politely shook his hand.

That's how our stories mushed together. That's how I meet the man that would love me unconditionally and would never hurt me, yet he would be the death of me.

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