Chapter 3

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"And your sure you don't know how I'll receive my nine lives?"Asked Mist, anxiously pacing around the small den.

Fern sighed. "No. I promise though I'll tell you as soon as I figure it out."

Mist nodded but didn't stop pacing. Worry was crackling of the she-cat's misty grey pelt like lightning. At Sun-high Mist had called Fern into her den, asking number of questions about StarClan and their new home.

Fern had told her new leader all she knew, wisely leaving out the prophecy that Yellowfang often rasped in her dreams.

"I'm sorry Fern," Mist mewed catching Fern's eye. "I'm just so nervous! I've only been leader for a couple of days and I've already managed to annoy several of my clan-mates!"

"Well I think your doing fine!" Fern meowed honestly. "And you'll soon get your nine lives and name from StarClan."

"But what if that don't exempt me?" Mist wailed. "Oh Fern, I don't know what to do!"

Fern padded closer and licked her leader between the ears sympathetically. In the short time she'd known Mist, Fern had learnt a lot. Despite her sharpness and maturity, Mist was actually quite young to be a leader, not much older than herself actually.

"You'll be fine." Was all Fern said.

For a while the two sat together in silence then Mist straitened up.

"You'd better go back to your den," She meowed, recovering her authority. "You may have a patient or something."

Fern nodding, realising she was being dismissed and padded out of the den towards her own den.

MistClan camp was a hollow in forest. Beneath roots of giant oak trees placed around the edge of the camp were lots of root-caves and hollows, perfect for dens. Mist's den was a hollow in a tree several fox-lengths above the ground, reaching away from her den was a long twisted branch where she called meetings. Fern's own den, the medicine cat's den, was a large gap between a large rock and a root-cave, just big enough for Fern and a couple of patients to fit. Not very high above the cave, behind the curtain of ivy was a hollow in the oak's trunk, perfect for storing herbs.

To Fern's annoyance, several cats were clustered inside her den, trampling her nest and stirring dust.

"What is this?" She asked, squeezing inside.

The three cats looked up at her approach. Fern recognised Aspenpaw, Leroy and Sting.

"Well?" She continued. "What are you three doing here?"

Aspenpaw flattened her ears in embarrassment and stepped forward. Fern noticed for the first time the pile of herbs beside the young cats paws.

"Shadestorm and I were out hunting and we came across a few bushes of plants by the CascadeClan border. Shadestorm said you might want them and so we picked some. Here they are."

"Um, thanks." Fern mewed, sniffing the herbs carefully. "I don't think the parsley will be much use but the goldenrod, borage and water mint will be very helpful. Thank you Aspenpaw."

The silver and black she-cat nodded awkwardly before ducking back outside. Fern turned to Sting.

"And what can I do for you?"

"Vixenstep, I'm worried about her." The tom meowed seriously. "I don't think she's supplying enough milk for Nettlekit and Mudkit. Your a medicine cat, do something!"

Fern sighed impatiently. In the short time she'd known Sting she had realised that he was proud, prickly and very protective of his mate and kits. This wasn't the first time he'd come to her den yowling about Vixenstep, and it definitely wouldn't be the last.

"I take her some of that borage in a moment." She promised, nudging him in the direction the the exit. "You go and make sure she's comfortable."

Sting paused at the den exit for a moment then nodded and padded out.

"And you?" Fern sighed yet again and turned to Leroy who was holding out his paw awkwardly.

"I er, think I got a thorn stick in here somewhere." He gasped.

Fern moved closer and sniffed his pad. It was hot and swollen, a thorn poked into it, pus oozing around it.

"Yep, looks like its been in there for a while actually."

"Well get it out! It feels huge!"

"Its not that big," Fern muttered, graphing the thorn with her teeth. "Now hold still."

She gave a sharp tug and the thorn came loose, followed by a small stream of blood. Leroy squeaked in pain and started to hop around the den.

"Ow! Yuck! Yuck it's bleeding!"

Fern rolled her eyes.

"It stopped bleeding the moment you started waving it around. Give it a lick, you'll be fine."

Leroy blinked, stopping in his tracks and gave his paw an experimental lick.

"Hey your right! It's fine thanks Fern! Do I need any herbs?"

"No, I think it'll be fine," She mewed with a slight shake of the head. "Just let me know if it starts to bleed again or if the swelling doesn't go down."

"Sure thing!"

Leroy started to pad out but stopped and turned to face her.

"You know, you remind me of someone I used to know."


"Yep. I used to live with Housefolk and there was a cat who lived next door to me called Polly." A gleam of amusement sparked in the black and white tom's eyes. "We used to get into all kinds of mischief! There was this dog that she lived with see, and we used to-"

Fern cut him off with a flick of her tail.

"Well that sure sounds nice Leroy, now if you don't mind I have some important business to er attend to..."

Leroy blinked, hurt, then nodded and padded out.

"Alright see you later."

"Bye." Fern muttered, turning away and sitting down.

Was her past impossible to escape? It seemed as though every little thing dragged her back into buried memories. She could almost picture Yellowfang's scornful gaze right then and what the elderly grey she-cat would say. Your not a kit! You have a Clan, you have a mind, work with them!

Fern chapter!!! Oh and if your wondering, she WON'T be forgetting Stripes in a hurry! Oh no, I got something big planned here! HeHeHe! Please tell me what you think so far!

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