A Quick Story

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As you lay next to Alfie in bed, you couldn't help but to fidget and toss and turn, unable to settle down, unable to relax; he noticed, obviously, as he gripped your smaller frame and pulled you flush against his body with a grunt before he tenderly carded through your hair.
"Alright, love," Alfie yawned. "I'm gonna fuckin' tell you a story."
"Alf, I ain't a kid," you rolled your eyes before a yawn tore through you.
"I knows," he grumbled. "But I also know that when you was a kid, your dad used to tell you stories when you couldn't sleep... so, shut up, and listen."
"Wow, such a poet of the people," you teased, getting comfortable and yawning again. "Alright, alright, I'm shutting up, cor."
"Right," Alfie let out a tired mumble. "There was this fuckin' dog, right? And 'cuz he was all mangy and shit, no one wanted him around, because they was fuckin' cunts, yeah? Anyways, this dog weren't just mangy, he was part wolf, too, so the fuckin' cunts thought he'd turn on 'em, 'cuz the wolf, innit? This poor dog, he was hungry, so he went an' found the baker, who gave him some bread, 'cuz he weren't a fuckin' cunt, and this nice bloke didn't mind that the mutt were part wolf, right? So, this bloke adopted this mutt, and brought him home, but what he didn't count on was his fuckin' lovely Missus, who didn't know, not bein' able to sleep that night, yeah? Anyway, the nice bloke whistled, like this," Alfie let out a whistle, and you raised your head when you felt a huge mass jump onto the foot of the bed. "And that's when the fuckin' lovely Missus found out what her nice bloke did do."
"Wait," you yawned and looked at the dog at the end of the bed; it had a brown-grey coat, pricked up ears, a fluffy tail, and a pair of bright yellow eyes. "Alf, did you actually adopt a wolf-dog?"
"I did," he grinned. "His name's fuckin' Lwc."
"Y'know, I'm surprised you haven't adopted all the strays in Camden," you chuckled. "Is this the real reason you wanted to tell me a story?"
"A quick 'un, yeah," he nodded. "Can we keep him?"
"I don't see why not," you shrugged, allowing the wolf-dog to curl up beside you.
"Maybe he'll be true to his name," Alfie commented. "You gonna bring us some fuckin' luck, mate?"

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