Chapter 3

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*Your P.O.V*

I woke up the next morning. "Today's the pep rally for the first football game, I'm nervous. What if I mess up what if screw everything up and I show everyone my secret." I fiddled with my necklace. Looking in the mirror I sighed. "What's wrong Y/N?" Addison asked as she walked in. "I'm just nervous." "What for?" "What if I screw it up?" "Y/N," she grabbed me by the shoulders. "You're gonna do just fine." "Thanks, Addi." She hugged me, "We should go." "Yeah, we grabbed our stuff and walked out the door.

*Zed's P.O.V*

I walked to school with Bonzo and Eliza. "The craziest thing happened last night." "What happened?" Eliza asked. "Y/N was in Zombieland!" "Um why was she there, shouldn't she have been here in her perfect world." "She was doing some cheer thing. She was about to egg my house," I explained. "She was about to egg your house and you still like her!" "You didn't let me finish, she explained what happened. Then she threw the eggs away." "She actually did that?" "Yeah, I promise she's not like the others." "You better be right Zed." 

We got to the basement by the time our conversation was over. "Hey, there are no human students in the basement," the teacher/janitor said. We turned to see Y/N. "Sorry, um, someone threw up in the cafeteria," she said. "Oh right still the janitor," he grabbed his mop and left. "Y/N, what are you doing down here?" I asked. "Can I not come see my favorite zombie?" I shrugged, "I guess you can." I hugged her and she hugged back smiling. "Oh by the way this is Eliza and Bonzo." "Hi," she waved to them. They waved back, "So you're the one Zed always talks about." "Awe Zed, you talk about me?" I blushed, "Maybe a little." "Anyway, I came down here to invite you guys to the pep rally." "Zombies don't go to pep rally's," Eliza said. Y/N frowned, "Okay, I understand that. I don't want to force you into anything." Eliza's face contorted into one of shock. I guess Y/N didn't notice because she didn't acknowledge it. 

"I guess I'll see you guys later," she kissed my cheek. "Zed, I'm sorry you didn't get on the football team," she whispered. "It's okay," I whispered back and kissed her cheek. She smiled at me sadly and left. "I really wanna go to that pep rally, I gotta find a way to get there."

*Your P.O.V*

 We were getting ready for the pep rally and I was nervous and upset. "Y/N, it's gonna be okay. You'll do great," Bree comforted me. "Thanks Bree, but I just wish the zombies could come to the pep rally." "Zombies are at the pep rally," Addison cheered. "Really!" I instantly perked up. I looked and saw Zed. I waved and he waved back. "We're gonna need the spirit sticks," Bucky said to the 'Acey's. I gulped, "Not the spirit sticks."

All the cheerleaders ran out. We cheered as Bucky jumped through the poster of his face. We cheered and cheered. I saw some of the zombies cheer too. "Get the spirit sticks," Bucky said. "Oh no."

*Zed's P.O.V*

I smiled as Y/N cheered, "I told you not all cheerleaders were bad." I noticed Bonzo freaking out. I looked at the court and saw the spirit sticks, they were sparklers. "Bonzo, it's okay. Fire can't hurt us." He kept freaking out and finally pushed past me and on to the court. I hit the bleachers and when I did something happened to my Z-Band. I got up, "Bonzo!" I noticed I was feeling stronger and faster. I ran after Bonzo, pushing the football players out of the way. I looked up and saw that they had tossed Y/N in the air. "Y/N!" I ran to her, catching her before she could hit the ground. The impact from her hitting the band turned it back to normal. "He saved her!" I heard someone shout from behind me. 

"Zed! You-" "Hey," someone said from behind me. I saw the football coach. "You and me need to talk, now!" "I'll see you later, got to go." I sat her down gently and caught up with the coach. 

*Your P.O.V*

Zed took off after the coach. "Y/N, are you okay?" Addison asked me. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." "Okay, well it's lunch. Let's go get something to eat." "I'll met you there I got to call someone." Her and Bree nodded. I ran out of the gym, "FRIDAY, call Steve." "Yes, Miss. Stark." The phone rang and rang.  Finally he picked up, "Hey, Y/N. How are you?" "I'm good, how are you?" "I'm doing good. But I know you didn't call because you wanted to see how I was doing. What's going on?" "You caught me. I don't know what to do Steve. Everyone here hates different people and they have zombies in their school. How different can a person get Steve?" "Well besides having an Arc Reactor, a metal arm, and just powers in general, not much different," he said. "You know what I mean. Steve, I need your help. I don't know what to do. Do I want to be pro cheerleader or pro zombie?" "Well what do you think you should be?" "Why can't I be both?" "I'm gonna tell you this right now. Do what you believe is right." "Thank you Steve. I got to go, bye." "Bye, Y/N." I hung up and went to the cafeteria.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw zombies eating at their own tables in the cafeteria. I smiled, "This is great, now I can see Zed more!" "Y/N!" I turned to see Zed wave me over. I walked past Bree and Addison, "Hey girls, I'm gonna go talk to Zed." They smiled and winked, "Have fun." I rolled my eyes and walked away. 

"Hey, Zed!" "Y/N guess what!" he said happily. "What?" "I made the football team!" "Oh Zed I'm so happy for you!" I grabbed his hands and stood him up. I hugged him, "You're gonna do great." "As long as you're there, I can do anything." "Y/N," I was hastily pulled away by Tracey. "Ugh what?" "How do you think our captain would feel if he saw you socializing with him?" Stacey asked. "I don't know." "He wouldn't be happy," Lacey said. They pulled me back to the table Addison and Bree were sitting at. "This is stupid." "What is?" "Your cousin, why can't he deal with people not swooning over him. And I thought my dad was bad."  Addison laughed, I told her all about my dad.

I looked back at Zed. We made eye contact and I got an idea. "Follow me," I mouthed to him. He nodded and got up as I did. "I'm gonna go I'm not that hungry." "Okay, see you later."

*Time Skip*

I met up with Zed in an empty corridor. "Hey, sorry about what happened at lunch." "Don't be." "Well I never got the chance to thank you for saving me. Thank you, Zed." He smiled, "I couldn't let you hit the ground could I?" I laughed, "Hey, I can trust you right?" "Of course you can." My face went serious, "Zed, I've been lying to you." "What do you mean?" I could hear the panic in his voice. "I'm not normal," I said, I started playing with my necklace. "No one's normal." "I have a heart condition, Zed." He was shocked that I would tell him that. "I don't understand." "I was born with some rare heart condition doctors couldn't explain. The only thing that is keeping it from killing me is the thing in my chest." I pointed to my chest. "I don't see anything," Zed said confused. "That's because I made this necklace that hides it." "Can I see it?" I tensed, Should I? Well if I don't he'll think I'm lying. I'll just show him.

I pressed the button on the necklace and the Arc Reactor glowed an electric blue. "Woah that's cool!" "You think it's cool?" He nodded, "It makes you unique. I don't think you should hide it." I looked down, "I have to. I can't be a cheerleader if I don't." Zed opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by people walking. I quickly turned my necklace back on. "Follow me," Zed took my hand and ran down the hall.  

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