Chapter 7

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*Zed's P.O.V*

I didn't bother wiping my tears I ran outside. I went over to Eliza's to talk to her about the awful nightmare I just had. I walked up to the door ready to knock when I heard crying coming from the barrier. Being the curious zombie I am I walked towards the barrier to investigate.

As I got closer they cries got louder. I got to the barrier, not seeing anyone. "Hello?" "Hello," I heard a familiar voice. "Y/N? Is that you?" "Zed?" I looked in the direction off the voice seeing the faint blue glow I know too well. "Babe," I walked towards her. I got to her and grabbed her hands, pulling her up. "Babe what are you doing all the way out here? Especially at this hour." She said nothing as she pulled me into a hug. 

I walked into the light of the street lamps. I saw her tear stained face, "Y/N, what's wrong?" She wiped her face, not answering. She must have seen the tear streaks that were still flowing because she went to wipe my face as well. "I could ask you the same thing." I laughed and held her closer to me. "Zed, I had a nightmare. The worst nightmare I've had in a long time," the way her voice broke and the way she shook, broke my heart. "I had a nightmare too. It's was awful, I thought it was real, it felt real." I hadn't realized I started crying again, until Y/N wiped them away again. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I was shocked she was asking if I wanted to talk, I should be asking her that. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" She giggled, "I've already talked about it. Plus I'm good at comforting people." I kissed her forehead, "Yes, you are."

I walked her to my house. When we got inside we went upstairs and sat on my bed. "Now tell, me about your nightmare." She laid down, and patted the spot next to her. I laid next her and rested my head on her shoulder. I took a deep, shaky breath and started talking about the dream.

Once I had finish, I was a crying, trembling mess. I hadn't noticed Y/N was crying and shaking as bad if not worse than I was. "What is it Y/N? Are you okay?" She had this look in her eye, "I had the same dream, except you died." Now I understood the look, it was realization mixed with fear, "Babe, we both know that is was just a dream." "Zed, baby I know but I have had so many nightmares that have came true, and few that haven't, I don't really know the difference anymore." I held her close to me, "I have no idea what you are going through, or what you have gone through, but I want you to know that I will be here for you." 

She stood up and wiped her face, "Zed, I should really get back to Addison's house. I'll see you Monday." "Wait," I grabbed her wrist and spun her to me. "Zed, baby, I really need to go." "I know I just had to see your face one last time before you left." "Zed, quit being cute." "I can't, don't know how." She laughed and kissed my cheek, "I love you." "I love you too," I kissed her forehead and let her go.

*Time Skip to Monday after lunch*

*Your P.O.V* 

I walked down the hall looking for Zed. "Hey Y/N!" "Hey Bree!" I hugged her, "How are you?" I hadn't seen her all day. "I'm good but how are things with you and Zed?" "Good, really good. Speaking of Zed do you know where he is?" She turned and pointed down the hall, "I saw him back there, he was actually looking for you." I nodded smiling at her, "Thank you."

I ran down the hall, finding  Zed looking around. "Hey," I said leaning against the lockers. He jumped and turned, "Y/N, I was looking for you." "I was told," I laughed and hugged him. "Ready for the game this week?" "Yeah I am," he said. The bell rang, "See you later," I kissed his cheek. "See you later," he kissed mine and we went to our classes.

*Time Skip*

 I was putting my stuff in my locker and I got a call, "Miss. Stark, Mr. Stark is calling." I picked my phone up, "Thank  you FRIDAY." "You're welcome, Miss. Stark." I answered, "Hi dad." "Hey Tiger, what are you up to?" "Nothing really, why?" "Well I was wondering if you could do something for me," he sounded out of breath. I closed my locker, seeing Zed standing there, "What do you need me to do?" I held up a finger to Zed to tell him I should be finished soon. "Um I could use a lullaby and Nat isn't here." My eyes widened, "Dad?! What did you do?" "Nothing! Please can you fly to the tower please just to help me out here?" "Yeah I'll be there as quick as I can." I looked at Zed, "What was that about?" "I got to go to the tower, I'll be back," I kissed his cheek and ran outside, him behind me. "Do you know when you'll be back?" "Soon," I tapped my bracelets and took off.

"Hey FRIDAY, text Addison and tell her I won't be home till later." "Yes Miss. Stark." "Thank you and can you help me go a bit faster." "Of course." I felt my suit go faster, "Thanks." 

*Time skip*

 I landed on the roof of the tower and went to the lab. The lab was destroy and my dad was trying to get to his suit, but Hulk wouldn't let him by, so he was defending himself with tray. I tapped my bracelets and calmly made my way to Hulk, "Hey big guy, sun's gettin' real low." Hulk turned and slowly came over to me. "It's okay," I held my hand out. He put his hand up to mine and I did the lullaby. He slowly calmed and turned into Bruce. "Thank you Y/N," dad said as he hugged me. "You're welcome Dad, just don't anger him again." "No promises." I rolled my eyes and walked out of the lab back to the roof.

"Y/N!!" I was wrapped in a hug. When we pulled away I saw it was Wanda, "Wanda!!" "I wasn't expecting you back so soon!" I laughed a bit. "What?" "I guess you could say that you didn't see it coming," I said, she let out a laugh and pushed my shoulder. "Wow." I shrugged and laughed a bit. "I should really head back to Seabrook, I'll see you at the homecoming game right?" She nodded and hugged me again, "Bye." "Bye." I got to the roof and left.

Different Worlds, Same Heart (Zed x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now