This Boy.......

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Chris takes a shower , comes out , and watches tv with Daniella. Then Devenity , Jalen , and Carmela walk in the room.

Daniella: Wassup??

Carmela: Mom can i go out tonight

Daniella: Where?? 

Carmela: To Jordan's House

Devenity: NO! u tryna go see Devontae

Jalen: Ouu yeah i love u Carmela .... I love you 2 devontae

Chris: *laughing and Thinking / damn they just exposed her

Daniella: Uh Chris what's funny??

Chris: Nothing..... 

Daniella: uh first of all why don't u wanna tell me who he is and second of all y u try ta lie

Carmela: Well i didn't think you would like him and second of all i thought that u might think something will happen

Daniella: lemme see this guy cuz uh u got me a little scared

Carmela shows her mom a picture of Devontae

Daniella: Uh idk about him... ask your dad

Chris: huh??

Carmela: Mom said that i have to ask you about Devontae *showing the picture

Chris: Damn really Drakes's son

Daniella slaps Chris in his mouth and everyone starts to laugh 

Chris: My bad but fr??

Carmela: YES!

Chris: I guess man.....

Devenity: Can i go too? Alyssa's gonna be there

Jalen: Me too Tre gonna be there

Daniella: Yeah

Carmela: MOM!?

Daniella: Idc. Now yall better go before i change my mind.

Everybody ran out the room

Daniella: DEVENITY!!!

Devenity: Yeah??

Daniella: Come here 

devenity comes back to the room.

Daniella: Watch Carmela and let me know if anything goes down.And Bring Royalty with yall. Don't tell her i said nun.  But tell her i said yall better be back before 9*whispers

Devenity: ok

Devenity walks out the room , get Kennedy , and heads to Carmela's car.

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