Im finna beat her ass

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After their Session>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Chris: *sleeping

Daniella: .........................

Devenity knocks on the door

Daniella: Come in

Devenity : Hey we're back

Daniella: Where's Carmela??

Devenity: At Devontae's house

Daniella: See ima beat her ah- i mean behind she come home tmr *realizing Royalty was in the room

Devenity and Jalen try not to laugh. They leave the room and Chris wakes up because of Royalty jumping on him

Royalty: Hey DADDY! *kisses his cheek

Chris: Hey baby girl

Chris turns his head to look at Daniella who looks mad af

Chris: Whats wrong with you

Daniella: Carmela stayed over that boy's house

Chris: Well damn u not gon go get her

Daniella: Nope. But i got her ass when she come home tmr

Chris: .....................

Daniella's phone starts to ring/ its Carmela

Chris: u gon answer that??

Daniella: No. Since her ass grown and shit she can figure out what ever tf it is herself

Chris's phone starts to ring/ Carmela

Chris: Hello?

Carmela: Dad lemme talk 2 mom

Chris: *looks at Daniella/ I dont think she wants to talk 2 u

Carmela: well force her or something....

Chris: Nope cant do that. she might slap me

Carmela: Ugh just make her talk 2 me. its an emergency.......

Chris: Daniella Carmela said she wants to talk 2 you and that its an emergency 

Daniella: No tell i said figure it out......

Chris: Daniella dont start with that smart shit......

Daniella: ugh fine. *reaches for the phone

Daniella Hello? 


Daniella: WHERE TF R U 

Carmela: Rosewood

Daniella: iight i got u. bye! *gets out of bed

Chris: Where u going

Daniella: To go and get your daughter like u suggested.......... 

Chris: Keep that smart shit ov-

Daniella: Brb love u *kisses him

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