2. Meeting The Decent Way

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Jeff The Killer

Ever since your encounter with the infamous Jeff The Killer, you've kept your guard up higher than usual. You can't believe that you actually saw the serial killer who was responsible for a lot of blood shed, who made people lock up their doors more securely, watch their backs more often, and gave them the fear of going outside. You know that he'll be back soon to finish the job; and that job is to kill you.

After school, as you made your way home, it started to rain FREAKIN hard. And since you don't have an umbrella, or anything to at least cover your head, you had to make a dash to a nearby bus stop and wait for the rain to settle a bit. You can run home when it calms down to a drizzle.

Once you've reached the bus stop, you found a man sitting on the bench. He was wearing a white hoodie and black pants. You couldn't get a glimpse of his face, because of his hoodie and he was facing the other direction. There was something odd with this man, something that you couldn't put your finger on. So, you clutched (your weapon) inside your pocket. You can take him down if he does something funny.

As you settled in the bench, the man spoke up.

"What are you doing out here? And don't girls usually hate having their hair wet other than in the shower?"

You chuckled. "I was going home from school, and no, some girls actually DON'T CARE what happens to their hair."

"Glad you're one of those girls."

You chuckled again. "How 'bout you?"

He sighed. "Rain such a hassle. Everyone's in their houses with all the windows locked up. Can't get in and kill anyone."

Your eyes widened as he turned to face you. The white skin, the burned eyes, the huge menacing smile. Jeff The Killer. Your grasp on (your weapon) tightened.


"How-how do you know my name?"

"Does it matter? You'll be dea-"

Before he could finish his sentence, you attacked him. But unfortunately, he pinned you down on the ground. He laughed while you struggled for freedom, his blade positioned again to your neck.

"You know what? You're the most interesting victim I've ever had."

He stood up while you shoot death glares into his towering form. "You're also the prettiest one too." He walked away. The rain finally came to a halt.

"See you,_____"

Ben Drowned

You decided to put the fact that a guy dressed as Link came out of your TV yesterday to kill you into the back of your head. You didn't need that thought, considering that you are (your user name/any name) and (your name when you activate your website), meaning you have to have your head in the game everyday; no room for ANY distractions.

As usual, you received an email from a random stranger, which includes another victim's name, information, and email address. It was almost sundown, which means it was time to work. You defeated another (player/enemy) in (online game) before you logged in to (your website).

Your website went into the victim's tab, where they saw (your favorite line/what you say to your victim). As always, you manage to drive him/her nuts just using words and a computer. You started to laugh as he/she started to type random things between your conversation. Someone's not going to sleep soundly tonight after all.

"Aren't YOU evil?" someone said behind you.

You turned to see the same guy dressed in Link's outfit with bloody eyes.

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