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Harsh wind slapped the twenty year old in the face as soon as the door fell shut

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Harsh wind slapped the twenty year old in the face as soon as the door fell shut. His apartment had felt too stuffy and suffocating for him to spend anymore time in it. His dark green hair that had been messy anyway, now flew in every direction by the force of nature, letting his cheap clothes do the same.

Taehyung had no idea where to go. His fingers itched for cigs, his throat begged for liquor but his stomach growled food. He decided on going to a place where all of those things were available which was a convenience store close to his shitty new flat.

The store was airconditioned, even in this cold weather, and the fluorescent lights made the whole place seem a bit artificial. Taehyung wandered around the aisles, thinking about which sin to indulge into. If he'd pick cigs his flat, clothes and skin would smell for days. If he'd pick liquor he'd ultimately do something stupid like breaking something or vomiting or banging some random person. The last option food wasn't too good either. He'd feel bad for eating too much and his stomach wouldn't be able to hold so much food since he hadn't eaten properly in a while.

All of his options seemed shitty, but he went for the three of them combined either way.

He passed the fast food aisle and noticed a guy his age filling the crisp section. The guy seemed a bit familiar. His short appearance, the chubby yet firm looking face and the tiny hands didn't make any bell ring. But his silver hair let a little light flicker into Taehyung's head until he smirked and impulsively grabbed the packet of crisps.

That's when shit had went down.

And now he left the store empty handed, his stomach, throat and fingers both whining in protest.

Taehyung hadn't dared to buy anything after realizing Jimin worked there. The guy seemed too invested into him and he couldn't just buy the things he needed without raising suspicion.

He decided on finding another store in the area, knowing he wasn't ever going to buy anything in that other store again. His eyes fell on a person crossing the road ahead of him. It was the foreign boy, holding a packet of popcorn and he was smiling to himself. Taehyung frowned, his feet immediately started moving towards the boy.

He wasn't entirely sure why he was following a highschool student. He ignored his mind who was calling him a creep, and subtly followed the raven haired male to his house. Taehyung realized he was so bored out of his mind that this was the most exciting thing he could do to pass the time. Maybe on his way he would pass a store and stop following the boy to eventually indulge into his sins again.

He wasn't weird. Just really bored.

Jungkook, on the other hand, wasn't suspicious at all. He silently hummed to himself & refrained himself from skipping home. He walked with a light step and thought of all the movies he could watch once he arrived home. His house wasn't too far from school but Jungkook still sometimes took the bus when it rained or snowed harshly.

The rough wind didn't really bother him today so he decided on walking home. Being outside cleared his mind and sometimes gave him some inspiration to write a poem or so. He really didn't find himself that creative but sometimes the thoughts bubbled up inside him and had to be spilt out onto the paper.

Jungkook crossed a smaller convenience store on his way and realized his mother had given him a shopping list on things to buy since she knew Jungkook would be buying popcorn on his way home. He sighed relieved, happy he remembered the list in his pocket and quickly went into the shop, ready to find the things for his mother.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was confused why the boy had gone into another shop like he was also planning to. He shrugged and strolled into the shop, hands dug into the pockets of his light jacket. He grabbed a basket on his way in to fill it with addictive stuff.

Strong liquor quickly found their way into his shopping basket. He eyed the four bottles who were almost taunting him to drink them right there in the store. He shook his head, telling himself stealing wasn't a thing he did anymore. He changed himself by being addicted to legal stuff now. No more drugs- well except weed- no more stealing and no more dealing. He was done with those things now. One year in prison taught him that lesson the hard way.

Frozen pizzas, packet of crisps, greasy hamburgers quickly joined the liquor. His stomach growled seeing all the food but Taehyung wasn't sure if it was a good sign.

The cigarettes were in the front of the shop, next to the cashier so he'd get him there.

Taehyung wondered where the foreign boy had disappeared to but decided he really didn't care anymore. He strolled over to the check out, already eyeing all the types of cigarettes and decided on going for the cheapest ones. It's not like he had money to decide on types of food anyway. He always went with the cheapest things, even though the pizzas tasted like carton and the crisps weren't crispy at all.

"That'd be 45 euros please".

Taehyung sighed, cursing at himself for being an alcohol addict. Why the fuck was liquor so pricy?

He dug into his pockets in search of money but soon realized he had forgotten his wallet at home- well it wasn't really a home to him but yeah- he probably left it in his flat.

He also realized he probably didn't have so much money in the first place.

Well, he was fucked.

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