{Chapter 1} Wrong place. Wrong time.

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Foxwing woke up in a strange place. It was dark and cold, so cold. She stood and looked around all around her was this black goop stuff. "Isn't it beautiful here?" A distorted voise said from behind her. Foxwing turned around quickly to a red glowing eye in the darkness. "H-Hello t-there strange person! I'm F-" The distorted voise cut her off, "I know who you are Foxwing of Remnanttale.... Now..... May I ask you something?" Foxwing stared at the floating red eye. "Sure." She said. "Do... You know what.... HATE is?" The voise asked. Foxwings expression changed almost immediately from happy to worried. "HATE? .... Bemmie told me to stay away from it." Foxwing said worryed. "Well it's not all bad. You can use it for many things. Like becoming stronger, taking over the Multiverse." The voice snickered. When the red eyes appeared again Foxwing was already flying away. "Wait!" The voice yelled. "I have to tell Bemmie!" Foxwing huffed, this was the fastest she'd ever flown. Suddenly, she felt something on her leg. She looked back to see a chain. Than, there was a chain on her arm. These chains were making it hard to fly. It's like this enemy knew all of Foxwing weaknesses and strengths. "Come on! I'm almost there!" Foxwing was reaching out. The stranger tuged the chains back and Foxwing fell, losing balance, back into the darkness. "Your my puppet now..." The Voice giggled. It's red eyes beeming with joy in the darkness.

Back in Remnanttale, Curuption forced Bemmie to scold Pyrawing for destroying the pillows on the couch where she was napping. Pyra had been a restless sleeper recently. Normally she can sleep soundly for ten hours straight. Foxwing stepped out of her room but something was off. Her eyes were different. They were blood red. Paint Tem walked past her without saying a word. Foxwings eyes narrowed as she stared at her. "Hey Foxwing! Me and Pyra are going to explore, wanna come?" Bemmie waved at her catching her attention. Foxwing looked at her and smiled "Okay!" She said. Bemmie looked at her oddly but shrugged it off. "Come on!" Pyra said breaking the silence and flew out the door. Bemmie and Foxwing followed. Though Bemmie walked cautiously, she knew something was up. She's known Foxwing all her lives, kinda, and she never acted like this. She also noticed her eyes both the look in them and the color. She felt like she recognized the look in her eye but she doesn't know from where. The hollow glowed from the Echoing Shards, they always looked beautiful at this time of day, or night. Bemmie flicked her ears at the distant whispers of the flowers. They were distant and broken voices long destroyed. Pyra was looking at one of the Echoing shards. Foxwing was gone. Bemmie scanned the area she wasn't anywhere in site. 'Oh no...' Bemmie thought. Something was wrong.

Foxwing had gone to get Paint Tem. She had followed her to the outskirts. No one came out here. Why? The bigger ones resided here. The dragons that fed off of outside magic the biggest were out here it was more open a better place for them to fly. Foxwing was silent for most of the trip. "Foxwing? You okay?" Paint Tem broke the silence, "You've been very quiet lately." Foxwing scoffed. Why does she even care? Hasn't Fox-I've done something to her to make her hate me. Anything? "Why do you care?" She asked. "Because your my friend. What happened to you? You always cheer everyone around you up." Paint seemed confused. "Oh yes I did. Even after what happened all those years ago. When Bemmie was made. When you were taken over." Foxwing said a demonic expression on her face. Paint took a step back. Her eyes were wide. The real Foxwing would never had brought that up. She would have never held that against her. She then realized. That. Wasn't. Foxwing. "Who are you? What did you do?!" Paint growled. "I'm Foxwing, is it hard to tell?" Foxwing asked pretending to be confused. "Your not Foxwing, at least the Foxwing I know." Paint seemed to be ready her giant pen in hand. "Heh. You really think you can beat me. Ha! You underestimate how powerful Foxwing is....Bill!Paint." Foxwing snickered referring to herself in third-person realizing her cover was blown. Paint lowered her ears wincing, she'd never thought that she would hear that name again. Something deep within her, a feeling she'd locked away in the very back of her mind, wanted her to change into that MONSTER , but she refused. "S-S-Stop." She growled. "Stop what? Referring to you as Bill!Paint? I think not." Foxwing said again smiling. Everything was falling into place. Paint winced again feeling pain in her chest IT was trying to control her. Changing her soul into IT'S twisted one. "J-J-Just s-s-stop." Paint was digging her small useless claws into her pen making dents in the plastic. "You seemed to have lost your cool. Whats wrong with the name Bill!Paint? Does it bring back painful memories?" Foxwing smiled again infamously her eye glowed in dellite. "I said stop!" Paint yelled the pain in her chest getting worse. Foxwings soul turned blue and Paint threw her onto the ground. 95/100 HP. "Hehehehehe. It worked......" Foxwing snickered wiping the blood off her face. Paint fell to the floor. She was clutching her chest, hyperventilating. It hurt. Everything hurt. Her body, her soul, Her heart...... How could she explain this to Bemmie. To Pyra. To Corruption. Even she couldn't accept it. She didn't have to. In mere moments she'll be gone. IT has returned and IT'S not going to be taken down so easily this time. Paint looked up at the cloudless and sunless sky. Her soul was fully engulfed, code started to surround her moving up her body as if she was turning to dust. "Goodbye Bemmie......, Pyra....., Corruption......, Sketch....... You were the best family I could ever have. Thank you....... I love you........" Paint whispered before the code took her over. She changed. Into the monster that could, and almost did, destroy the multiverse. IT'S eye opened revealing one of a cat. Her pupil was a slit, colored golden. A smile spread across her face. "We'll meet again. Don't know where. Don't know when! Oh I know we'll meet again some sunny day!" IT sang smiling. "Hahahaha! I'm back!~"

Bemmie felt something. She wasn't watching where she was going. Pyra grabbed her hood before she walked straight off the edge, small rocks fell off the island. "Woah! Thanks, almost fell to rock bottom!" She snickered at her own pun. "Ma, you okay?" Pyra asked with a worried expression. Bemmie hated it when Pyra called her and Foxwing Mom. It made her feel uncomfortable. "Y-Yea I'm fine. Just somethings bothering me." She gave Pyra reassuring smile. A shadow walked quietly behind her. Barely making any noise it was getting ready to launch an unsuspecting fire attack, but Bemmie had been listening to the stranger for quite a while. She turned and clawed the attackers stomach. The stranger was able to dodge it but Bemmies attack position brought them into the open and the light. Bill!Paint hovered in front of them "Hiiiiiiiii~" She smiled unsettlingly. Foxwing walked up beside Bill!Paint. Her red eye gleaming with the wrong kind of joy. Bemmie turned to wide eyed Pyra. Her face was serious and.... For once in her life, scared. She could only say one thing right now. "Run."

Oh meh goush it's done. Chapter ones finally done! Woo! Anyhow Foxwings gone, Kinda... Paint has become what she dreads the most. Bemmies scared? What the heck is going on?! You'll have to wait and see. I actually almost cried writing the Paint part. Paint was one of the oldest characters in Remnanttale. Writing that hit me right in the feels. Honestly I think I deserve to be called The Feels Queen 3.0. Anyone else agree? No one? Oh that's okay. Anyway hope ya'll enjoyed!

From innocent to corrupted Book 1: Her HateWhere stories live. Discover now