{Chapter three}Hybrids

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Riff layed on the ground, They felt snow under them. Their head was spinning. It was cold so they gussed they were in Snowdin. The snow crunching told Riff that someone was coming, Riff opened their eyes a little. Their vision was blurry all they could make out were dark blue boots. Then everything went black again.

Riff felt the softness of a couch under them. They hoped that they'll wake up to Bemmie asleep next to her while Foxwings eye's were glued to the TV that was playing Hamilton for the 17th time. They groaned, their head hurt and they felt dizzy. "Well at least we know she's alive." A voise said. "Poor thing. You say she was laying in the Snow Jade?" Another voise said, It was energetic. It reminded Riff of Foxwing. "Human, what do you say?" The second voise said. Riff didn't hear the response but the first voise, Jade, started talking again, "Heh. You really do trust everyone don't you kid. I have no argument Pink." Jade sighed. "Well that settles it then! We shall take care of her untill she is fit again!" The second voise, Pink, declared. Riff opened their eyes a little and slowly sat up. Pink and Frisk jumped back in suprise, while Jade didn't flinch. They looked at their pa-Hands?! Riff almost showed her suprise then remembered, 'Code bend. I Code Bended.' They reminded themselves. Were they human? No. They could still feel their tail brushing agenced the couch. They knew that they'd look like a human Bemmie but with their normal ears? They looked over at the people, or monsters, that helped them. One looked like a Sans, but was a human female with red eyes and black and Dark blue hair. Another was taller than the red eyed one With pink eyes brown hair that was pink tipped. The Smallest seemed to be a child with brown hair and closed eyes, they had an over sized pink and blue sweater. Riff knew this had to be the human that would free that underground. What was off about the two, Pink and Jade, have animalistic features, and by that they ment that each of them had animal ears and tails. They reminded her of Sketch. "Hello fellow Hybrid!" The pink eyed one said, obviously this was the one named Pink. Also, what's a hybrid? Is that what monsters are called here? "I'm Amazing Pink! What's your name?" Pink exclaimed. "I'm... Riff." They answered, taken back by the sudden question. "Well hello Riff!-" She nodded to The red eyed women and the closed eyed child"- And they are Jade and The human Frisk!" Frisk waved and Jade nodded to her. "Sup." Jade said. Riff's body hurt especially her back. Suddenly a male voise rang out but Riff recognized the line he said, "Everyone give it up for America's favorite Frenchmen! Lafiet!" The voise kept repeating and repeating untill Pink picked up her phone and answered a call, "Hello? Oh Peggy what is it? Huh? What!? Humph they won't touch them I promise." Pink said and hung up. "What is it?" Jade asked as Pink was starting to rush to the door. Riff had gotten up, the air felt different. "There are two skeletons c- Riff wait!" Pink yelled after Riff ran out of the door. When they had heard 'two skeletons' they knew exactly who they were. Pink, Jade, and Frisk rushed after them and they skidded to a stop where Riff was. Jade and Frisk were staring at the battlescape in front of them while Pink was looking at Riff. "You shouldn't run off like that you-" She didn't finish her sentence when Riff pushed her out of the way of a blast. The two landed on a snowbank, Jade and Frisk helped them up. Riff stared at where the shot came from. Two skeletons were there, one was glitching and had black bones and wore a black hood with black and yellow shorts. He had marks under his eyes that looked like tears, Blue strings came from the marks and they wrapped around his fingers. The other looked like a normal skeleton that has black paint on his right cheek. He had UT Sans' jacket hung around his hips, brown, long sleeves with blue lines and a light shirt. He wore a giant brown scarf which is almost as big as himself. He has a work belt crossing his chest, with rainbow paint vials, which have heart-shaped tops, on it. His pants have the same color scheme as his sleeves. Upon the pants, he wore light brown shorts. Instead of slippers, he wore sports shoes with a tiger print on the sides. He also had finger less gloves. In his hands was a giant paintbrush. "Protect Frisk." Riff instructed, "Don't let the-" She didn't even finish her sentence when blue strings wrapped around Frisk and their soul. They were lifted up and pulled next to the glitchy skeleton. "Heheh. The human seemed to have come to me!" The glitchy Skeleton said. "Let go of them Error!" The other skeleton said. Error moved Frisk in the middle of him and the other skeleton. "Ink, Ink, Ink why do you protect these anomalys? They-" Error was cut off as a knife that flew between them and cut the strings that were holding Frisk. Jade 'shortcuted' and caught Frisk and 'shortcuted' back to where Pink and Riff are. Not even looking, She caught the knife that boomeranged back. "Look you glitchy A**hole. If you want to get to the kid, your gonna have to go through me." She said pointing the knife at Error, Two bigger knifes forming behind her. Error growled then laughed, "I'd like to see you try." He said. "Wow Jade I've never seen you this angry. Normally your just a Lazyfluff." Pink said. "Pink it'd be ICE if you get out of here with Frisk right MEOW and the both of you can go to Peggys house. You guys can keep occupied by making Mac n' cheese, I could do with some Creepypasta after this... If I'm not dust." Jade smerked. "JADE! We'll have a stern talk about your puns later!" Pink growled and lead Frisk back to where the Riverhybrid was. Riff didn't follow, instead she stood next to Jade battle ready. "You should go to." Jade said to Riff. "Trust me, you can't take him on alone. I know, I speak from experience." Riff said. Jade looked at her confused and they sighed, "I'll explain later." Riff glared at Error, they knew their predatory instincts wouldn't be as powerful as it is in their normal form. Coding surrounded Riff and a menacing white smile showed though. Error threw a bone at the occupied Riff but a galaxy colored paw caught it. Riff droped the bone then teleported behind Error, they looked normal now. As in they looked like a white eyed galaxy Bemmie. They tryed to claw his back but he teleported and doged. Riff hit nothing but air, they quickly turned in mid air and shielded themself from the attack with their Zodiac. They landed next to Ink and growled. "Hey Bemmie! Didn't know you were here, also you look differnt to!" Ink waved at them with a smile. "One, not Bemmie. It's Riff. Two, we are in the middle of a f**king battle Ink!" Riff growled at the Skeleton. "Oh right! I forgot!" Ink said. Jade teleported next to the two and they all aimed attacks at Error. Error knew when he was outnumbered he scoffed and opened a glitched window. He glanced back at his enemy's and went through the window. "Well that-" Ink a interrupted by Jade holding a knife to his neck. "Explain Rainbow! Who are you and who was he, and what did he want with the kid!?" She growled. "Well I would explain if there wasn't a knife to my neck." Ink said. "Well it seems Jades started the integration for me." A female voise said. The three of them turned to it and they were met with lavender eyes staring back at them. They belonged to a cat-eared women wearing light lavender and white armor. She had a two pronged white cat tail with a golden bell attached to a pink ribbon. "Well, Peggy, there are many questions that I have that are unanswered." Jade replied lowering the knife. "Try not to murder him please Jade." Pink said from behind Peggy, Frisk was next to her letting out a small nod. "Fine." Jade sighed and walked over to her sister. "But seriously, Rainbow. The questions I said before. Answer them..." Jade said a red eye staring back at him, glowing. "You asked some questions? I forgot!" Ink said with a smile. Jade clinched her fists and stared at Ink, her red eye's glowing. Riff sighed and looked at Ink. "Lemme refresh your memory Ink. The questions simplyed is, WHY THE SVOO ARE YOU HERE!?" Riff growled holding the skeleton by the scarf. "Well you saw Error here! I was trying to stop him!" Ink explained being at the growling monsters mercy. "Ya. I could tell when he tryed to kidnap Frisk." Riff growled releasing the skeleton. "Stop him from doing what?" Jade said looking at the skeleton. "It doesn't matter now." Riff said. Jade glared at her, "How come?" She asked. "He'll most likely continue looking for the Omega ti-" Ink was cut off by Riff putting a paw over his mouth. "Because it doesn't." She said. "Ink, I need to talk about something with you. It's about Foxwing, I'll fill you in later." Riff looked at the skeleton with a serious look. His eyes changed shapes then he nodded. "Can I come along?" Jade asked. "Absolutely not Jade! What if you get killed?" Pink argued with her sister. "Then I get killed Sis. But don't worry, I can take care of myself." Jade reassured her as she walked over to Riff and Ink. "You realize you don't have to come right?" Riff wispered to Jade who walked by with a smlie. "If there's someone like that who wants to hurt my family. I'll burn in HELL before they lay a hand on Pink and the Kid." Jade wispered back. Riff sighed and followed. Jade looked back at the waving Pink And Frisk, and smiled at them. Ink brushed some paint on the ground and hoped in. Jade and Riff followed. The only thing left behind was the spatter of paint.

Urggggggggggg, It's done! It's finally done! Chapter Three is done! My god this took so long, and it's a long chapter to. I did use the description from Inks Wiki because I'm lazy. Also, Yay to Underverse references! If you want to know what Riff says 'Switch A with Z'. Welp Ima going to sleep, bye!

From innocent to corrupted Book 1: Her HateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora