Alien au

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(This is gonna have galra Keith and altean Pidge. It is very long as well... sorry 😐. I am writing this on my phone so I'm sorry if the grammar is bad)

Keith's POV

I sat down in the star cruiser and waited for lift off. My brother, Lottor, sat beside me. My dad, emperor Zarkon, finally got in and the ship started. Our job was simple, wait while dad talks to king alfor and talk to the palace folk.

The trip was short but it felt like an eternity with Lotor going on about proper etiquette and manners and what-not. I hate it when he does this.

When we finally get there I quietly followed behind my father and older brother to the platform that we landed on.  I watched as my father shook hands with Alfor.

Alfor laughed and hugged his longtime friend. He then turns and said, "These are my children: my oldest Allura, my first son Lance, my youngest son, Hunk and lastly my youngest, Katie." The one that he said was Katie was honestly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her eyes were beautiful shades of gold and her hair was a golden brown. She had light green markings under her eyes. She was to top it all off she was wearing glasses that seemed a bit to big for her.

I noticed her squirm a bit when her father said her name. I thought it strange that her skin was a few shades lighter than the rest of family.

My father turned to us and said, "This is my oldest, Lotor." He grabbed Lotor by the shoulder and pushed him forward slightly Lotor then bowed respectfully. My father looked at me and I stepped forward. "And this is my youngest son, Keith." I did not bow right away, instead I stepped forward to the girl named Katie and grabbed her hand. I then bowed and pressed her hand to my lips in a soft kiss. I looked up to see her blushing softly. "Pleasure to meet you," I said taking a step back and allowing my gaze to glide over the altean family.

The king smiled at me and stepped forward to shake my hand. I took it happily and the king said, "You seem to fancy my daughter." Now it was my turn to blush. "She is quite beautiful, yes," I said throwing a wink at said girl. She hid her face in her hands and I laughed a little.

The King and my father went to talk in the thrown room while my brother and I were pulled around the castle by the alteans. "This is the control room!" Said princess Allura. The room was huge. We were then pulled somewhere else. "This is the kitchen," said Hunk happily. Lance grabbed my hand and led me to another area. "This is the spa and bath area. My personal favorite." I pulled away from him and laughed.

"You guys sure love this place, don't you?" They all nodded, well, all but one. I glanced at Katie and she was simply staring at the ground. I stepped over to her and frowned. "Are you okay, Princess?" I asked. She just shook her head dismissively. I glanced up to see my brother cornering poor Allura. He was flirting with her in a suggestive way. I just sighed and turn back to Katie.

"What about you? What's your favorite room in the castle?" I asked Katie. She stared up at me with those gorgeous eyes and smiled brightly. She took my hand and led me away from the group. She led down a long hallway and into what appeared to be a lab. "This is like my real home. I dislike being anywhere else." She said as she pulled out a small gadget of some kind. She grabbed a screwdriver and tinkered with it. Upon further examination I saw that it was a butterfly. It started to flap its wings and she let go of it. "That's amazing! Did you make this, Katie?" I said turning to her. "Please, call me Pidge, and yeah. I did."

We sat there in the little lab for a long time and just talked. She told me that she was adopted after trying to find her brother but to no avail. I told that I was also adopted after my mother died. I was born through her being raped by a guard. The guard was put to death but my mother was to weak to live. My father took pity on me and took me in.

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