Chapter 8

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The first couple of weeks of Mandy working at the club were alright. Scarlett did a very good job of avoiding her, and Riker had been staying away like Scarlett had asked him to. Of that she was very thankful. This was Jessica's last week and she was doing everything possible to make it absolute hell for Scarlett. Scarlett knew Jessica was still pissed about the whole 'Riker-lapdance' situation. Jessica even walked up to Scarlett and said if she hadn't interfered, 'the super hot blond guy' could be the father of her baby. Scarlett just rolled her eyes and walked away. She was sick of dealing with Jessica's shit. Jessica would find every little thing she could to pick at Scarlett about. One day, she said something about Scarlett's makeup being uneven. The next she said that Scarlett's wig was way too mussed up and she needed to brush it out because she looked like a train wreck. Those weren't even the worst things she did. One night while Scarlett was performing, Jessica had made her way to the DJ booth and unplugged the music, so the club went completely silent. Instead of stopping and running off stage like Jessica expected her to, Scarlett stopped, looked out at the crowd, grabbed the sides of her thong, winked, and said, "I must have been making the DJ so hot that his boner bumped the cord." All the guys in the crowd cheered. All the guys that came to the club loved her and that was another thing that pissed Jessica off. Jessica even tried to get the other dancers involved. The only one willing was (surprise, surprise) Mandy. Mandy followed Jessica around like a little puppy dog. Jessica sent Mandy to try to learn as much as she could about Scarlett. Jessica even went as far as having Mandy follow Scarlett home one night. Scarlett didn't know that Mandy was following her and that was one of the nights that Riker was over.  

Scarlett got home and saw Riker sitting on the couch. As soon as she shut and locked the door, he was in front of her. He leaned down and kissed her sweetly. She pulled back after and sighed a little. She told him she wanted to go take a shower and she'd be right back down. She took the quickest shower she thought she ever had, threw on some cute pajamas that she saved for when she knew Riker would be staying the night and made her way downstairs. She stopped halfway down when she heard not only Riker's voice, but a female voice as well.  

"What the fuck are you doing here?" 

"I could ask you the same thing, Rikey. So your woman isn't a slut? Isn't that what you told me? But she's a stripper. And she isn't even that good. None of the guys pay any attention to her. They just think she looks desparate." 

"That isn't true. I have watched her dance and she is better than any of the others. And all the guys love her. That is why every time she comes out, they cheer. She has their undivided attention every time she dances. And who are you to call her a slut? Last time I checked, you were working at the strip club as well." 

"I only wanted the job because I am friends with Jessica and she said there was a really hot blond that showed up all the time. I showed her your picture and she said it was you. I was hoping I would see you there and you could see me dance. I know you still want me and maybe, we could fuck right in the club and no one would care. All the other girls do it. I bet even your precious Babydoll does it. She looks like the type that would. And she isn't even pretty. Why are you with her when you could be with me?" 

Scarlett was on the stairs seething. She wanted to run in the living room and strangle Mandy. But she knew if she started, she wouldn't stop, and she is much too young to go to jail. 

"Mandy, if you don't leave now, I will call the cops and tell them you are tresspassing. I might even get a restraining order while I'm at it, just to make sure you stay away from me and the love of my life. She isn't just my girlfriend. She means more to me than you ever did. I want you out of my life." 

Just then, Scarlett heard a slapping sound. She knew Riker would never hit a woman, so she knew it had to be Mandy hitting Riker.  

"Oh! My Rikey! I'm so sorry! I don't know what got into me. I love you. I love you so much and I don't know why you can't see that. I could love you better than any other girl. You know that. We were so good together." 

Starlite, Star BrightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora