Chapter 10

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Warning: Adult situations at the end. Again, I didn't really mean for it to happen, but I got talked into it this time. Enjoy!

It was finally Scarlett's 18th Birthday! She woke up to her alarm on her phone, 'Everything Will Be Alright' by The Killers. It's she and Riker's song. He was humming it once when he first started to come over all the time while he was making himself a sandwich at her house. She heard him and started to sing. He spun around and smiled at her. They mutually decided that would be their song. It isn't your typical, mushy love song, but they weren't your typical couple. Riker said it was a good song for them, because it would remind them that everything in their lives would be just fine. They were in this together, always. It made Scarlett feel really good to know that he was just as into this as she was, even back then. 

When she picked up her phone, she smiled. She had a text from Riker. She opened it and smiled even bigger. It read "Happy Birthday to the best thing that has ever happened to me. These past 9 months of being around you and with you have been the happiest of my life so far, and I hope to spend many more birthdays with you. I love you more than anything and plan to for the rest of my life, if you'll allow me to. I can't wait to see your beautiful face today. I'll see you soon!" 

She hopped out of bed and got ready for school. She walked out the door and looked down. There was a small vase with one beautiful lily in it, and an envelope tied around the neck of it. She opened the envelope and found a note that read "This is the first surprise of the day. There will be more. Happy Birthday and I love you!" She smiled to herself and made her way to school. When she got there, she went straight to her locker. She opened it and found another envelope. She opened it and found another note and a necklace. It was beautiful! It had a white gold chain, and a small sapphire. Scarlett loved sapphires! The note read "Something beautiful for my beautiful Princess." Scarlett smiled really big and put the necklace on. She finished putting her stuff in her locker and made her way to her first class. 

She didn't get any surprises for a while, until her P.E. class. Riker was standing in the middle of the gym, telling all the students to put their books and things in the locker room, but not to change their clothes, to just come back out in the gym. He had a stereo set up on one of the benches. Scarlett looked at him, confused, but put her stuff up and walked back out in the gym with everyone else. Once everyone was out of the locker rooms, Riker told them to all have a seat on the floor. Once they did, he stood up in front of the class. "Alright. Today we are going to something a little different. Prom is coming up soon and I know some of you don't know how to slow dance properly. I taught a dance class all through college, so I am going to help you learn how to dance. That way you have no reason to not dance when your date asks." Everyone laughed a little. "Alright, everyone pair up." Everyone did and of course, Scarlett was by herself because her class was mostly popular people and she definitely wasn't one of them. "Is there anyone who doesn't have a partner?" Scarlett raised her hand and Riker looked at her and smiled. "Scarlett, would you please be my partner? You can be my teaching tool. We will dance up here and show everyone the proper way to do it!" 

Scarlett nodded her head and walked up front to where 'Mr. Lynch' was standing. 

"Ok, first off, guys place your right hand on your partner's waist. Her waist boys, no lower. Girls, put your left hand on your parnter's shoulder." Riker did what he was saying as he was talking and everyone else followed. "Ok, good. Now, guys, take her right hand in your left and hold them to your chest. Stand a little closer together, but not flush up against each other. I'm sure the teachers and chaperones won't let you get too close anyway, but keep a little distance just in case." He stood there, holding Scarlett just like every other guy was holding his girl. He was looking around the room, making sure everyone was doing it correctly. "Ok, good. Now, guys, it is your job to lead. Step to the side and girls follow. I don't think I need to go through all of this in exact detail, considering all you do is go around in a circle. But a pointer for the guys, make sure you are looking into the eyes of the girl you are dancing with. Make her feel like you are looking at her and no one else. It will make her feel special and give her a self confidence boost. Now, we are going to try it with music." He let go of Scarlett to go turn the music on. 'Everything Will Be Alright' started to play. Scarlett smiled to herself. Riker walked back over and got into position. He looked in Scarlett's eyes and they started to dance. She got so lost in what she was doing that she almost leaned forward and kissed him. Thank goodness she stopped herself or there would have been some major problems. They continued to dance for the rest of the class period, with Riker going around and helping everyone. He would fix arm positions and hand positions. One of the boys kept putting his hand on his partner's ass. Riker caught him. "Mr. Brody, keep your hands above Ms. Johns' waist, please." The boy laughed, but did as he was told. "Alright everyone, the bell will ring in a few minutes. You may go get your things and wait for the bell to ring."  

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