unneeded rage chapter 2 part 6

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(hello every one before i start this off I know u prob liked the other dialog but i was so mad at m lazy writing i'm going to make this much longer I'm changing the way he would talk if u have any questions please commit on this i would appreciate any judgement or options to do. )

Darks P.O.V

*He starts to walk around his old hunting ground he finds a cabin where he used to take his victims to* "damn... this thing is still standing?", he's obviously impressed but saddened at the thought to his old life "i used to be the king here....everyone cried when they heard my footsteps" *he enrages from the thought of not being who he used to be, "this woman has made me soft....he touch is all I crave...yet i cannot shake the feeling that if i tell her she would slit my throat for thinking about this..." *there's crunching leaves in the distance* "....prey...food...people...useless people." *his eyes emerge in an dark yet a smoke like red it's as almost as if he's angry*

-the poor people who's about to get fucked up- P.O.V

man 1: "Johnathon?......John!"

man 2: "the fuck you screaming for you dumb bitch?"

man 1: *he starts to turn around to slap the man...he stops noticing a person in the background walking rather fast towards them*

darkiplier: "...If YoU rUN YOu Die if u hide i make you a pet...." 

* the men started to bolt away from darkilpiers yells and threats only to no advantage they end up in a dead pass almost no where to go but to back to where they came*

man 1: *he picks up a rock to defend himself* "here take this dumb-ass!"

man 2: *he take's the rock ready to strike* "he coming from the left!"

*it was to late the men were ripped to shreds the screams were like ringing alarms*

like that he was gone without a trace.

KITTEN darkiplier x reader x antisepticeye [season 1]Where stories live. Discover now