The Introduction

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You know it's really a funny thing how our mind plays tricks on us, especially late into the night. Your brain will tell you a nice, twisted bedtime story about the little girl standing in your closet, waiting for you to fall asleep. She has long, dark, ratty hair and a ripped up, dirty dress on. She'll make scary noises, seeming as though she's possessed and each time you put your head down to the pillow or try to shut your eyes, she'll come closer and closer towards you.

How about the black figure you see standing in your kitchen while getting a midnight snack? It follows you around doesn't? Only being illuminated by the mere glow coming out of the fridge. You catch a slight glimpse of it and that's enough to make you whip your head around; keeping you on your toes. You'll dash up the stairs, too afraid that if you take too long walking through the dark, you'll never make it back to your bedroom. Every little sound around you and every little creek in the steps will send shivers down your spine.

Don't forget about the whispers you'll hear deep in the night. You'll convince yourself they're coming from outside and not from the corner of your room or under your bed, even though they're really coming from inside your head.

Maybe this is our body's way of saying "You're tired, you should go to bed now," but we always ignore it, too afraid to shut our eyes because we're so consumed with hollywood horror. Too afraid that if we open them, our fears will actually be right there in front of us.

How come sometimes these fears follow us into our dreams, the one place we always believed to be the safest and the happiest?

Authors Note:

I'm back!!!! this intro is small as hell but hopefully it'll hook you in for more of whats to come in the rest of this story! I wrote this back in 2015 for a class project and I just recently found it so I figured I'd try to edit and rewrite it as best as I could to give myself a kick start into writing again — hope you guys enjoy it :)

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