Cerberus x Pheobe

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( wish me luck )
Pheobe had fallen asleep, hoping not to have another one of those 'nightmares'. Sadly, she was stuck in one, AGIAN. Except, she didnt feel fear nor dis she sense suffering. She felt something soft rub against her. "Ah!" She yelled as she realized it was Cerberus. "Get away from me you—" before she could finish, Cerberus spoke. "Listen, Dear, i dont want to hurt you nor do i want to take your a-amulet..." Pheobe chilled out. She sorta felt 'bad' for the poor creature, alone down here. "Well, why did you bring me here, then?" She asked. Cerberus rubbed agianst her agian. " i-i dont like to be alone....if im honest....it get sc-scary around here," he said. Pheobe didnt know if he was playing games but, she petted him, smiling a little. "Oh,, well i could stay a little while," she chuckled. Cerberus did on of his classic smiles. Cerberus layes beside Pheobe and soon fell asleep. Pheobe smiled and hugged the creature. ( or she tried lol) "Hehe, Sweet dreams Cerberus," Pheobe awoke as she said those words. She smiled to gerself and looked at her amulet.

( Hope you enjoyed. They both may be outta character but i dont care— )

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