Chapter 1: The Weapon

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A weapon... A tool for the destruction for the odd and ghastly beings that belong to a world not known to man. That is what I am, formulated to destroy all that is evil and abhorrent. To protect man-kind... Or at least that was what I was told for the past 20 years. Destroying blasphemers and monsters was nothing new to me, you could say I grew up in a "less than normal" environment. Trained and taught in ways long forgotten by most, I traveled around the globe to "cleanse" the world. Yet as I stood outside a large manor, belongings in hand, and background in my mind, something was different. This wasn't like the other times...
Evelyn James, the name repeated over and over in my head. Twenty-two years old, graduate of North Brook Highschool, top honors.. Pft, top honors? Could they not get anymore cliche? My birth name so long forgotten, I just embraced the identity given for the mission at hand and blocked everything else out. How else would it work otherwise? Dozens of names, dozens of identities, it goes on and on.
Here I am, in a small obscure town called Mystery Spell... Hunting. My prey? A group known as the Bartholy's, who have been suspected for being vampires. My goal is simple, infiltrate the family and discover their secrets, and if need arise, eliminate them. When this mission was brought to my attention, the name Viktor Bartholy was listed in the mission parameters. He has been linked to the death of my parents, and if it is true, he is responsible for my shitty life. If he was the one to blame, this is my chance. To take from him what he took from me so long ago. To destroy these atrocious beings he calls his "family."
I wipe all thoughts from my head and pull my wall up. I know what vampires are capable of, and I won't let them discover my secrets. Lifting my suitcase I walk through the gate and up the stairs to the large front door. I came here under the guise of an au pair for the youngest monster. The thought of a child vampire sends shivers up my spine. I knock twice, and wait. Seconds later the wood creaks as the door opens to a magnificent foyer. 
Standing in front of me is a man that would make any woman swoon at first glance. With flowing chestnut hair and warm brown eyes, he could be the prince in any fairy tail. The "eldest" of the three brothers, Nicolae Bartholy smiles warmly and rests against the door frame.

Nicolae: "Hello! You must be Evelyn! We are so excited for your arrival. Lorie has been beaming all week."
The name Evelyn makes me think of an old woman. Who names a twenty something woman Evelyn?! How these creatures fall for this every time is baffling.
Evelyn: "Yes, that's me! Evie is fine though, Evelyn makes me feel like I'm 80." 
Nicolae laughs and smiles widely,
Nicolae: "Alright! Evie it is! So Miss Evie, may I take your.. Suitcase to your room? Is that all you brought with you?" He looks at me with a slightly confused and inquisitive air.
Evie: "Yeah, I like to travel light... I don't really have much in the ways of possessions. I can handle it myself though, thank you." I smile slightly, I have to keep up appearance after all.
Nicolae: "Of course! Your room is up the stairs, second door on the right." He gestures up the staircase in front of us. "Feel free to take today to settle in, we are very excited to have you. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. I have other business I must attend so if you'll excuse me..." Once again he smiles gently and bows his head and walks towards another room to the east, leaving me alone in the massive foyer of the building.
The floors are brilliant, the staircase is massive, and the chandelier, breathtaking. It's like a castle frozen in time, nothing shocking considering its inhabitants. I walk up the stairs and down a long hallway lined with doors. I find the door to the second room on the right, my room, opened and inviting me in. Inside is even more impressive than the entry. With timeless paper enveloping the walls, the furniture is immaculate and elegant. If I didn't know any better, I'd believe myself to be a princess brought in from the streets to live in the lap of luxury. At this thought and the reality of the situation I can't help myself to laughing out loud at the preposterous thought. A princess, in a den of demons ready to pounce and drain every ounce of blood and life from my body at any minute? Sounds more like a horror story than a fairy tail. As I unpack what little I have, I suddenly feel a chill down my spine, someone is behind me. I turn to see a man, one with onyx hair and piercing green eyes, the one that is called Peter Bartholy smiles at me with a melancholic aura .

"Hello, you're a new face! You must be Evelyn, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Peter"
Evie: "Evie, and yes I am the new au pair for Miss Lorie."
Peter raises one eyebrow curiously and smirks.
Peter: "MISS Lorie?"
Evie: "Yes, MISS Lorie, after all, I am an employee here. I feel formalities are appropriate."
At this Peter laughs and instantly makes me feel foolish and flustered. 
Peter: "Please, do not treat us as employers! You are a part of our family now, you can treat us as equals!"
At his remark I feel horribly sick. Family? With abominations as these? Not even! but I pass it off in a nonchalant air and nod my head. Appearances Evie, appearances.
Evie: "Oh, that is so kind of you all! Thank you! It was very nice to meet you Peter, but I am awfully exhausted from the trip here and I still need to get some things unpacked..."
He takes the hint and nods his head smiling kindly.
Peter: "Of course, I will leave you to it, I look forward to seeing you at University tomorrow, do you have everything you need?
Evie: "Yes, I stopped by the admissions office before coming here and picked up my schedule and uniform." I hold up the bag with the Mystery Spell University logo and smile at him. He returns the smile and nods.
Peter: "Perfect! Maybe we can carpool to Uni together tomorrow?"
I muster up all the kindness I possibly can and give my brightest smile.
Evie: "I'm sure we can make that work!!" I wink and go back to my unpacking and just as quickly as he appeared in my doorway, he was gone. That's strike one, normal humans couldn't simply move that quickly let alone silently. I file the note away in the back of my mind.
As I continue to unpack I go over the dossier in my mind. The file stated that there were 4 bodies present in the household, Nicolae, the authoritarian gentleman, Peter, the somber musician, Lorie, the tiny terror, and....

Drogo: "Well well, look what we have here. Lorie's new toy."
Of course... Drogo... I lift my gaze to yet another beautiful body. Amber eyes meet mine as a cocky smirk spreads across his face. Blonde strands fall across his flawless complexion which quickly get swept away. Every single person I've met looks nothing like the other and all have such remarkable beauty, another strike in the humanly impossible category. Oh Bartholy's you're making this far too easy! 
Evie: "And you are?"
At my blatant annoyance Drogo lets out a laugh and leans against the doorway, folding his arms across his chest making sure to accentuate his muscular form. Ugh, what a tool...
Drogo: "I'm your dream come true little one." He winks and I feel bile rising in my throat which I make no effort to hide.
Evie: "Pretty sure my dreams involve men, not little boys." I glare at him and his smirk turns malicious as he strides into the room eyes set on me like a predator and his prey.
Drogo: "Oh little one, I'm all the man you'll ever need."
Nicolae: "Drogo, that's enough, leave Evie alone!"
From behind Drogo I see Nicolae in the doorway, visibly displeased with his brother's remarks.
Drogo: "Oh come on! I never get to have any fun around here, you're all spoilsports." He sighs and shoves his hands into his pants pockets resigning and walking out to sulk. 
Nicolae approaches me with a look of both embarrassment and sorrow on his face. Like it's his fault for what occured.
Nicolae: "Evie, I am deeply sorry for that. Drogo is... Well..."
Evie: "A compulsory ignoramus?"
At my remark Nicolae looks at me in slight shock which is quickly replaced with a laugh and sigh.
Nicolae: "Sometimes indeed." He flashes a bright and knowing grin and I feel my heart jump slightly in my chest. What the hell was that?!
Nicolae: "In any case, that should be the only incident you have with him. I will make sure that he knows his place and that you are not to be taunted. You just got here, I'd hate to lose you to an attitude like his." He winks at me and I suddenly feel hot. What is going on with me? I can't help but further inspect his exceptional presence. His jawline is carved perfectly as if it were made of stone, skin pale but without any hint or trace of imperfection. His figure is impeccable, even though his shirt is loose on his form you can tell without a doubt beneath it hides an extraordinary muscular build. His hair, longer than my own, frames his face perfectly and is groomed  precisely. And as my eyes meet his I lock into his serene gaze, it's almost as if he could see straight into my soul. There is no way this creature in front of me could be human. He's too perfect... But what worries me the most is the fact that my face feels hot, am I getting sick?
Nicolae: "Evie, are you feeling alright? You look flushed?" The concern on his face, the sincere care, makes my heart clench in my chest. What is this feeling? Is this something vampires can do to their prey? And just as quickly as I feel desire arise, fear creeps into my heart. Is he trying to weaken my mind and body to take my life? I straighten my body and take a deep breath to clear my thoughts provoking a curious gaze and raised eyebrow from the suspect before me.
Evie: "No no, I'm alright... I'm just exhausted from the day, it's been a long and... Eventful one."
The gentle smile that illuminates his face begins to melt my guard once more, and I find it increasingly hard to hold up the facade in front of him.
Nicolae: "Well I will leave you to rest then, I will call for you at dinner time. I will see you then."
He smiles, nods, and turns to leave. Dinner! That is the perfect test! Yes Nicolae, you will see me at dinner. Still as I place the last of my belongings in their spot and walk to the adjacent bathroom, the thought holds in the back of my mind. What was that I was feeling? Why did it happen now? Did he notice? I splash my face with cold water and look at myself in the mirror. 
Evie: "Come on now, pull it together." I mutter to myself. I'm here to discover the truth, not fall prey to creatures of the night. I am a weapon, and my target, is the Bartholy's... 

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